Fishes of Minnesota | Minnesota DNR
Minnesota's streams, rivers, lakes and ponds provide a home for 162 species of fish, 141 of them native. Below is a sampling of the most popular and well-known fishes Minnesota has to offer.
Fishing - Minnesota DNR
This guide to Minnesota's four seasons of fishing includes easy-to-understand regulations; opener dates and seasons; a lake search; common questions; hands-on learning opportunities and convenient how-to-fish guides; and links to fishing-related resources and information on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' website.
Minnesota Fish Family Trivia In 2011, Minnesota was home to 162 species of fishes, 141 of them native. The number of species increases as new non-native species establish themselves in Minnesota waters. There are 27 families of Minnesota fishes. Here are some facts about some familiar fish families as well
FEATURES OF SOME COMMON MINNESOTA FISH FAMILIES Catfish Family orange spot Channel catfish Flathead catfish Black gill flap Black bullhead Yellow bullhead Brown bullheadNo “underbite” Sunfish Family/Panfish Bluegill sunfish Pumpkinseed sunfish Green sunfish Dark colored spots or bars on light body Black crappie White crappie
Where to fish - Minnesota DNR
Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes. There's also thousands of miles of fishable rivers and streams. Use the links below to find your favorite fishing spot. Lakes. LakeFinder desktop; LakeFinder mobile; Lake Superior; Top walleye lakes; Trout lakes; West metro trout lakes; Rivers & streams. Red River of the North; River guides & maps; River ...
Fishes of Minnesota | Minnesota DNR
Generate fish species lists for Minnesota lakes and streams. Create maps showing the distribution of various fish species across Minnesota. Download data as a tabular file (.csv) for Excel or an ArcView shapefile (.shp) for GIS mapping and analysis.
Fishing regulations - Minnesota DNR
This fishing regulations document contains a synopsis of the state fishing laws and regulations. For complete fishing laws and regulations, consult Minnesota Statutes and Rules of the DNR.
Images by Category: Fish - Minnesota DNR
Images by Category: Fish MinnAqua Program provides these images, graphics, and photographs for educational use. Click on an image to open a full-size version of the image.
Learn how to identify 14 Minnesota fish species. By Michael A. Kallok Minnesota is famous for its wa-ters. Not only does the state have nearly 12,000 lakes, it also has more than 92,000 miles of rivers and streams. All this water is home to many different species or types of fish—161 to be exact. One reason there are so many fish species in ...
Minnesota Fish Family Trivia In 2006, Minnesota was home to 160 species of fishes, 141 of them native. The number of species increases as new non-native species inextricably establish themselves in Minnesota waters. There are 26 families of Minnesota fishes. Here are some facts about some familiar fish families as well as some of