[RELEASE] Flashbang - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Jul 8, 2019 · Hello and I have decided to release the flashbang I did a few days ago. I initially created it to keep but I have no use for it now. Hope you enjoy it as much as other say they have enjoyed it. I do not do videos so you are just gonna have to install it and check it out for yourself. Do not download this unless you know C# / Visual Studio SOURCE CODE Download this for a …
[Standalone] [Paid] Stungrenade/Flashbang - Cfx.re Community
Mar 18, 2023 · -- Alternative names: "flash grenade", "flashbang", "thunderflash" or "sound bomb" (Yes I took these from wikipedia) Config.WeaponName = "Stun Grenade" Config.Timer = 1500 -- The time it takes for the stungrenade to detonates from it being thrown Config.MaxDist = 30.0 -- The maximum distance (meters) the player can be from the stungrenade and ...
[paid] flashbang (cs alike) - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Dec 4, 2023 · Flashbang ! Seamless experience with flashbangs available now! Most of other flashbang resources were working in a weird way, were not synced or glitched alot, so I decided to make a proper flashbang resource. Let’s break down some of it’s functionalities Flash effects Flash is divided into 4 zones based on distance. Proximity, Nearby, Close and Distant each …
[RELEASE] Flashbang - Page 3 - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Jul 9, 2019 · Btw, i have an issue, giving myself the flashbang using /giveweapon work wells and the flashbang have no issue. BUT it’s impossible to add it on a menu, i did try to add it into the config file of esx_policejob as a weapon to buy, got errors. I did try to add it manually into policejob objets, got errors too.
[STANDALONE][PAID] mmflashbang - Cfx.re Community
Sep 17, 2021 · mmflashbang Script has seperate config file where you can set up things like: Weapon label Time to explosion Enabling / disabling voice chat while being fully flashed (works with mumble-voip and pma-voice) Effect duration Sound effect volume Range in which grenade works Optimisation: 0.1 ms idle, 0.05ms max while working Preview: video Tebex: link (€7.50 …
[RELEASE] Flashbang - Page 2 - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Jul 8, 2019 · Because a flashbang doesn’t really make you black out. It makes the person have a split second blindness with really bad deafness due to the ear disturbance and really the effective range of a flashbang is like 5 feet.
[RELEASE] Flashbang - Page 6 - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Nov 8, 2019 · wont spawn under weapons spawn by name weapon_flashbang i placed the whole flash bang folder in server resources and start resourcename also tryed weapon_flashbang wont load? FreshContact01 December 23, 2019, 9:16am
[RELEASE] Flashbang - Page 11 - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Jul 8, 2022 · I just downloaded your flashbang and I have a problem with using that. When I give flashbang in my inventory, it works well. But when i want to throw it, it dissapers and i dont see it flying and exploding after it lands, it just dissapers. Can anyone help me how to fix that?
[RELEASE] Flashbang - Page 7 - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
Aug 17, 2020 · Hello and I have decided to release the flashbang I did a few days ago. I initially created it to keep but I have no use for it now.
[REQUEST] Flashbang - Discussion - Cfx.re Community
Jan 6, 2019 · Hey, Does somebody have a flashbang (script), so swat can use it while entering a building?