Guitar Fretboard Radius Jig - with template download - Woohoo!
Mar 12, 2022 · PDF Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/focvdbrrbxl... 00:00 - lights, camera, action 00:04 - intro 01:00 - the parts 01:41 - build a router caddy 02:02 - build a radius trolley 04:50 -...
DIY – Plan for a Fingerboard radius jig – Käppi Guitars
Oct 4, 2015 · And here’s my version and plan of the Fingerboard radius jig. This model supports settings for both 1 and 2-radius fingerboards (Compound radius Fingerboards). In this model you can get 7.25″ up to approximately 18″.
Fretboard Radius Jig - The Tundra Man Workshop
Jul 29, 2020 · Fretboard Radius Jig A Jig To Radius Fretboards With A Router For the first 20 or so guitars I made, I radiused the fretboards using a sanding block with a concave radius that was the mirror image of the convex radius needed on the face of the fretboard.
Fretboard Radius Tool - GenOne Luthier Services
Fretboard Radius Jig Plans: You can cut a radius of almost any dimension you like with this jig. Besides the standard radius cuts we have on the drawing you can make your own custom radius cuts as well - even varying the compound radius.
Fretboard radiusing jig - FREE PLANS - YouTube
Aug 16, 2017 · This is a simple and effective jig for routing the radius on a guitars fretboard. No special tools required.Link for the cut list:https://drive.google.com/op...
How To: Compound Radius Router Jig - Electric Herald
Mar 16, 2017 · A pictorial guide to help you construct a router jig capable of creating perfect compound-radius fretboards. Make sure you check the videos at the end!
String Pluckery - Luthier Tools and CAD Guitar Plans
Now offering a bundle that include our fretboard radius jig and radius sanding blocks. More to come!
Fretboard Radius Jig (1/2) ~ Luthiery Laboratories
The Radius Jig is capable of cutting constant radii from 6 to 16 inches, both concave and convex, as well as convex conical radii. That means it can cut sanding blocks, clamping cauls, and 'compound radius' fingerboards.
Guitar Fretboard Radius Jig - YouTube
How to make your own guitar fretboard radius jig. Made with offcuts and a $12 skateboard from Kmart.Check out my guitar build series:Doctor Who Guitar (The G...
Blackwater River Guitars - Tools - Fretboard Radius Jig
Using the jig. Draw a centerline on the platform where the fretboard will be held for radiusing. Align the centerline of the fretboard with the centerline of the platform and secure the freboard to the platform with double sided tape. A 1/2" straight bit works well for me. Position the bit height so it just grazes the edge of the fretboard.