How Garp was able to blitz Aokiji so easily : r ... - Reddit
Jul 19, 2023 · The two times Garp blitzed Aokiji, Oda made a confirmation of Aokiji's hesitation/conflicted state of mind on Garp's tongue himself (the one performing the feat). It is …
Prime Garp vs Aokiji stat comparison : r/OnePiecePowerScaling
Strength goes to garp stop kidding yourself Durability goes to garp he would have much better haki Stamina so far goes to kuzan but it’s likely it’s actually garp Observation 100% goes to …
Do y'all actually believe either garp or aokji were going all ... - Reddit
Jul 20, 2023 · Garp yes, Aokiji no. Garp is the one that tells Aokiji that he's too soft, that wavering is a sign of weakness and not to be tied down by nonsense and to live in the moment. Garp …
Sanity Check: Old Garp vs Aokiji, Both bloodlusted, no ... - Reddit
Aokiji has the same physical strength as Garp so that isn’t on Garp’s side, Garp’s stamina is shit now because he’s old and out of work essentially, Kuzan has the power to freeze everything, …
Prime Garp vs Aokiji : r/OnePiecePowerScaling - Reddit
bro he was literally thinking that Aokiji/Coby will be the future of the Marines. and he was almost right by like 1% because Kuzan lost to Akainu, he was training him later because he thought …
About Kuzan vs Garp in 1087 : r/OnePiecePowerScaling - Reddit
Jul 14, 2023 · uses ice glove, Garp also punches Kuzan amidst some banter, this causes an explosion and both fighters are sent back, clearly implying that they are equally matched in …
Current Garp (Uninjured) vs Aokiji : r/OnePiecePowerScaling - Reddit
Jul 12, 2023 · with the minimal use of devil fruit he used (mostly the Ice glove), Aokiji would win very high to extreme diff mainly because of far better stamina and comparable physical …
Prime Garp vs Kuzan : r/OnePiecePowerScaling - Reddit
by aokiji disappearing for 5 ch straight and only showing his face after garp was fatguied by overusing his haki vs the bb pirates . and even then he only attacked garp after he was …
Aokiji vs Old Garp , 1V1 , both not holding Back going all out
Sep 11, 2023 · Aokiji had the help of 4 commanders thousands of pirates and the fact that garp was trying to save 3 weaklings the whole time And yet even after getting stabbed, garp was …
garp fought aokiji on even footing as a 78 year old man ... - Reddit
Jul 13, 2023 · Aokiji with ice gloves would beat current Garp with very high or extreme diff due to stamina advantage. Aokiji with Awakening wins high diff. Prime Garp beat Aokiji (With …