- Goku's consistent personality is seen as a flaw by critics, but his childlike charm has made him a beloved character. Critics argue Goku's focus on fighting overshadows everything else, but his desire to improve inspires fans worldwide.www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/anime/dragon-ball-is-goku-a-bad-protagonis…
Dragon Ball: 10 Worst Things Goku Has Ever Done - CBR
When Goku competed in the first World Martial Arts Tournament back in Dragon Ball, he made it to the finals and lost to the likes of Jackie Chun. During the arc, it was revealed that Jackie Chun was Master Roshi in disguise. With all that Prize Money, Roshi was probably going to use it for his purposes. Fair enough, … See more
So, when you finally have the upper hand against your foe, do you finish them off, or do you let them power up? If you're like a Saiyan, you'd probably end up doing the latter, even if your … See more
Goku isn't exactly husband of the year material. Not only does he regularly abandon his family for training, but it's revealed in Super … See more
When Namek explodes from Frieza's attack, it's revealed that Goku was able to make it off the dying planet thanks to one of the Saiyan Pods … See more
When Goku returns to Other World, he learns that Gohan is still alive on the Planet of the Kais and teleports there to see his son. During some training with him, The two meet Old Kai, who has the power to unlock Gohan's hidden potential. When he doesn't feel … See more
Goku is a terrible character, people only like it because …
Goku is a terribly written character, his character is as bland as saltine cracker. I am someone who grew up in the early 2000s with all the big main anime like Naruto, OP, Bleach, Dragonball, etc... Even as a kid Goku never really grew …
Dragon Ball: 10 Most Dangerous Villains Goku Fought Against - CBR
- Janemba Had The Power To Warp The Universe Beyond Repair. Janemba is …
- Perfect Cell Was Strong Enough To Kill Goku. Goku has a habit of …
- Captain Ginyu Had The Potential To Do A Lot Of Damage In Goku's Body. …
- Moro Escaped Death From The Two Strongest Kais. This character has not …
- Fused Zamasu Was Able To Defeat Goku & Destroy An Entire Universe. …
Is Goku really a terrible father/person? : …
Often when talking about Dbz people bring up the argument that Goku is a terrible person and father. I for just don't see it, sure …
- Reviews: 83
The 10 Worst Things Goku Has Done (And His 5 Most Heroic …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
- HEROIC: THE FIRST TIME HE SAVED THE WORLDBefore Demon King Piccolo, Goku’s Dragon Ball fights were played for laughs. As the show originally intended to be…WORST: LET DR. GERO BUILD THE ANDROIDSThe Z Fighters have faced many disasters, but the "Android Saga" and the "Cell Saga" were actually preventable.
25 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About …
Dec 25, 2018 · Goku the bad father is a notion that transcends its series, persisting as one of the more popular anime memes of all time. After all, he barely spends any time with his sons. …
Dragon Ball: 15 Strange Things You Didn’t …
Oct 11, 2017 · Goku is an abusively negligent husband; it is shocking that Chi-Chi has stayed with him all this time! This fits well with his character, especially when you consider that he …
Dragon Ball: 15 Of The Dumbest Things …
Oct 22, 2017 · From being a horrible father to not helping his friends win in important fights, Goku always seems to making bad decisions.
Goku is a bad protagonist and I hate him for it : r/dbz - Reddit
I enjoy Goku as a protagonist for his morally ambiguous one-track mind, but it's a common and valid complaint that DBZ falls into a pattern of "we have to keep the villains busy until Goku …
Top 10 Worst Things Goku Has Done | Articles on WatchMojo.com
“Giving cell a senzu bean was not a bad choice, because Gohan was already stronger than cell in mastered ssj. Goku knew Gohan could beat him regardless. And letting Vegeta live was one of …
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