Hangetsu - Wikipedia
Hangetsu (半月) (Japanese: "Half Moon") is an advanced kata practiced in Shotokan karate. [1][2][3][4] It originates from the Naha-te school. The first part is executed slowly with strong breathing, stressing the development of the hara, or energy field. This sequence shares a strong similarity with Seisan.
Hangetsu - Shotokan Karate - YouTube
The most popular image associated with kata is that of a karate practitioner performing a series of punches and kicks in the air. The kata are executed as a specified series of...
Hangetsu - Commentary - YouTube
Hangetsu is quite a unique kata in the Shotokan system and requires a lot of practice and deep study. This video covers the advanced Shotokan kata Hangetsu. A step-by-step commentary is...
Kata Hangetsu Full Tutorial - YouTube
KATA HANGETSU | by Jason Leung | 4th Dan Shotokan Karate~⛩ HEIAN KATA SERIES ⛩1. Taikyoku Shodan: https://youtu.be/jH6bv4GDpp02. Heian Shodan: https://youtu....
Hangestu (Shotokan) - Karate Do
Hangetsu (半月) (Japanese: “Half Moon”) is an advanced kata practiced in Shotokan karate. It originates from the Naha-te school. The first part is executed slowly with strong breathing, stressing the development of the hara. This sequence shares a strong similarity with sanchin.
Hangetsu Step By Step Tutorial - Shotokan Karate Online
Hangetsu is a very health orientated kata, with tremendous emphasise on breathing. The special breathing, which we will go through here. There are a few different ways that karateka practice Hangetsu. The kata’s main stance is Hangetsu dachi (half moon stance) and there is a stance tutorial on this page for hangetsu dachi.
Hangetsu - Black Belt Wiki
This page provides videos and instructions for Shotokan Karate kata – Hangetsu. This is an advanced Shotokan kata. To master these Shotokan Karate katas, you will also have to learn basic Shotokan stances, Karate kicks, Karate blocks, Karate punches, etc.
Hangetsu Kata Tutorial Part 1 - Shotokan Karate Online
Hangetsu Kata Tutorial. Part 1. Hangetsu (半月) (Half Moon). Hangetsu is said to be the oldest karate kata, with the original name being seisan. Master Gichin Funakoshi changed the name from Seisan to Hangetsu and then added the kata into the Shotokan cirriculam.
Hangetsu - Shotokan Karate CSL
Hangetsu is a very unique kata within the Shotokan system. It is an internal kata, focusing on the cultivation and release of ki energy, or one's inner force. The kata's main stance, hangetsu, is an inner tension stance that only appears in this kata and nowhere else (hence the name of the stance). As such, it tends to be a very under-developed ...
Hangetsu - 半月 - karate
Hangetsu is a very unique kata within the Shotokan system. It is an internal kata, focusing on the cultivation and release of ki energy, or one’s inner force. The kata’s main stance, hangetsu-dachi, is an inner tension stance that only appears in this …