Chapter 3: Influence of Hegel and Feuerbach on Marx
Marx’s criticism of religion can only be understood against this background of Hegelian philosophy, and also of the anthropology of Feuerbach, which it extends and supersedes. Therefore, in this chapter we shall discuss to what extent Marx’ critique of religion was influenced by Hegel and Feuerbach.
Ludwig Feuerbach - Wikipedia
Feuerbach's theme was a derivation of Hegel's speculative theology in which the Creation remains a part of the Creator, while the Creator remains greater than the Creation. When the student Feuerbach presented his own theory to professor Hegel, Hegel refused to …
7 - Hegel and Feuerbach - Marxists Internet Archive
What Feuerbach lacked, in contrast with Hegel, was dialectics. In the second place, Feuerbach lacked a materialistic key, a materialistic comprehension of history. His position permitted him to think materialistically only about nature.
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Dec 9, 2013 · For a number of years in the mid-nineteenth century, Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) played a pivotal role in the history of post-Hegelian German philosophy, and in the emergence of various forms of naturalism, materialism, and positivism that is one of the most characteristic developments of this period (cf. Mandelbaum 1971: 3–37 and Arndt & Jaes...
Hegel and Feuerbach’s understanding of God unveiled in this paper, sheds light on two significant philosopher’s interpretations of God and religion. Their different approaches to God and religion opens up a window to the light of genius and thoughts of Feuerbach and …
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy
Part 1: Hegel Part 2: Materialism Part 3: Feuerbach Part 4: Marx. Marx-Engels Archive ...
Towards a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy by Feuerbach 1839
Hegel restored philosophy by rescuing it from the realm of imagination. A Hegelian applies with perfect justification to Hegel what Aristotle remarked of Anaxagoras; namely, that he (Anaxagoras), as one among drunks, was the only sober …
Should such an account be correct it would restore Feuerbach to his rightful place as one of the principal philosophical revolutionaries of the first half of the nineteenth century and it would considerably clarify Marx's relationship to the philosophy of Hegel. The availability of the Marx manuscripts dating from his Paris
Religion und Selbstbewusstsein: Von Hegel zu Feuerbach und zurück
Jul 2, 2021 · Ludwig Feuerbach studierte von 1824 bis 1826 bei Hegel in Berlin. Trotz aller späteren Polemik, zeigt Feuerbachs Religionsphilosophie deutliche Spuren seiner Beschäftigung mit der hegelschen Konzeption des Bewusstseins, des Selbstbewusstseins und des...
Some Significant Differences of Hegel and Feuerbach's …
This article exposes some of the major differences of Hegel and Feuerbach's philosophy of religion. It is revealed that Feuerbach who attended some of Hegel's lectures and was considered as a Left-Hegelian and a Young-Hegelian (Feuerbach