About Henrietta Lacks - Lacks Family
In 2020, the life of Henrietta Lacks will be honored with a yearlong centennial celebration led by the Lacks Family. This phenomenal black woman, wife, and mother unknowingly changed the face of medical science, contributing to lasting, worldwide improvements in health.
Lacks Family - Home
The Lacks family has enthralled audiences across the country by talking about our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Henrietta Lacks, and her transcendentally important contributions to science.
About the Lacks Family - Lacks Family
As members of the Lacks family, we are committed to upholding our mission to preserve the life and legacy of Henrietta Lacks and educate future generation on the impact of her immortal HeLa cells while promoting health equity and social justice.
Contact the Lacks Family - Lacks Family
The Lacks family has enthralled audiences across the country by talking about our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Henrietta Lacks, and her transcendentally important contributions to science.
THE LATEST - Lacks Family
Henrietta Lacks Memorial Lecture: 100 Years of Henrietta Lacks Portraits of Two Inspirational Black Women Go On Display at University ... Her Story; Our Story; Globetrotter; Contact Us; WELCOME TO THE LACKS FAMILY! We are continuing to CELLebrate Henrietta Lacks' life and legacy. CELLebrate with us. This website uses cookies.
Lacks Family - Home
The Lacks Family continues to spread the good news: Henrietta Lacks' story and legacy. The Lacks Family raises awareness and encourages action to problems.
Lacks Buzz - Lacks Family
Find out about The Lacks Buzz and how The Lacks Family is CELLebrating Henrietta Lacks' life and immortal legacy through events, images and resources.