★Official Hex Color Library★ - Se7enSins Gaming Community
Nov 8, 2016 · Code: If a color is registering as *unsupported color* , then instead of AA at the end of the 8-digit hex string, substitute the a's with either 00, or FF. If that still doesnt work (highly unlikely) then try without the last 2 digits, to submit the hex as a standard 6-digit.[/B] [B]
codes for ALL cars for TDU2 | Se7enSins Gaming Community
Jun 18, 2011 · 2028 - Bus 1 2029 - Bus 2 2030 - Bus 3 2001 - Compact 1 2002 - Compact 2 2003 - Compact 3 2032 - Hawaii Police 3002 - Ibiza Ambulance
Modern Warfare 2 Managed Code List - Se7enSins Gaming …
Sep 4, 2018 · NOTE: When setting the value of these, do this. Take the value you want (2516000), convert it to 32-bit hexadecimal (0x00266420), now swap it to little endian (0x00 26 64 20 -> 0x20 64 26 00), now cut off the extra 00's (0x206426). Now …
Support - Need help finding a challenge hex code
Apr 29, 2023 · The idea was: find all challenges with a completed number of 2500 in game, then find the last challenge that has not reached that value. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the value 2500 with my hex editor. Perhaps the value changes to a code for "completed" when the challenges reach 2500, and I don't know the values associated to that status.
DeathRGH Tools REMASTERED - Se7enSins Gaming Community
Apr 18, 2017 · And about the rest of the code. You need to have a space after above number you get. You need to have your class name in uppercase hexadecimal. You might not want to use the \0 null character to terminate your string, it might just do fine, but I'm not quite sure.
How to Set Them [XRPC, JRPC, XDevKit] - Se7enSins Gaming …
Feb 12, 2015 · NOTE: When setting the value of these, do this. Take the value you want (2516000), convert it to 32-bit hexadecimal (0x00266420), now swap it to little endian (0x00 26 64 20 -> 0x20 64 26 00), now cut off the extra 00's (0x206426). Now use it like this Code: J 2056 206426 Code: 2164 - accuracy 2092 - assists 2144 - currentWinStreak 2084 - deaths
Solved - whats an ecc - Se7enSins Gaming Community
Apr 18, 2017 · ECC is a file you write to the Xbox 360 when you're RGHing it. It overwrites the first 50 Blocks of the Nand with Xell/Xell Reloaded - Allowing you to get your CPU+DVD Key which later lets you create an XeBuild image.
Discussion - [REL] Console menu alternative for JTAG/RGH
Nov 5, 2012 · Major menu code overhaul to accomodate the new hexadecimal feature in messages. Data\interface\messagebox.swf is included in the bsa so other mods that inlcude this will not be compatible with Multi-Utility. Added a few mods to the info menu. Added a history feature to entered IDs.
Resident Evil 5 more weapon codes - Se7enSins Gaming Community
May 9, 2010 · Nice topic and nice code list. I replied to your youtube video too. For anyone getting the PX4 or Samurai Edge doing no damage, follow the hex editing instructions by J1gsaw K1ller and add the guns that way and they will work fine.
hex - Se7enSins Gaming Community
Aug 6, 2022 · Dear Sinners, I have a Vagner with a very bright "pinkish red" old crew color. Realy a very bright and shiny color, only the thing is I don't know the RGB or Hex code of this color. Can anyone help me get the exact code of this color back? …