"What does it look like?" Vs "How does it look?" (Explanation)
Study the difference between the questions "What does she/he/it look like" and "How does she/he/it look?" See our examples and explanations.
"How does it look?" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
"How does it look?" is a request for a critique of the appearance of something. Your girlfriend (or boyfriend) puts makeup on and asks, "How does it look?" The answer is always, "Beautiful!" "What does it look like?" is a request for a description of something.
word choice - Is it 'what it looks like' or 'how it looks like ...
Dec 6, 2014 · "How it looks like" is not something a native English speaker would say. There is a slight difference between "How it looks" and "What it looks like": "Tell me what the sculpture looks like?"... invites a detailed answer, probably involving the word "like": "The sculpture looks like a killer whale leaping out of the sea." Whereas...
"How / what does it look like" in English - JMarian - Jakub Marian
“How does it look?” is usually answered with a mere adjective: Q: I've heard he's got a new car. How does it look? A: It looks good. / It's alright. / It's ugly. Of course, the thing you are asking about doesn't have to be “it”, for example: Q: You've got a …
How is …? or What is … like? - Cambridge Grammar - Cambridge …
We use How is …? to ask about someone’s general health or about the condition or state of something, or how people experience something: How’s your mother these days? (How is her …
What’s the Right Phrase: “What It Looks Like” or “How It Looks”?
Nov 25, 2024 · When we ask, “What does it look like?” we’re seeking a vivid description of the subject at hand. This question typically invites a more detailed response, allowing us to visualize it through someone else’s perspective.
"What does she look like?" vs. "How does she look like?"
Jan 27, 2014 · literally, yes, the answer should be some object or class that she resembles. But in practice, this is an idiom, and the answer is often, "She's very pretty" or "She looks tired", or any description of her appearance. "What" is pointing to an …
How is it? / What's it like? / What's she like? / What does she look like? / How's the weather? / What's the weather like?
"What does it look like?" vs "How does it look?" - Reddit
May 3, 2022 · Perfect answer. To drive the point further, "how does it look like" could be correct if that's what was actually meant. "Nothing is able to look like." "Yu-huh, I gave a thing that can easily look like." "No kidding?! How does it look like." "I dunno, it just has an innate ability." "Looking like what" makes sense. "Looking like how" does not.
"what does he look like?" 和 "how does he look like?" 和
It's a bit not natural. You would say "How does he look?" "Look like" refers to physical things or physical appearance, so you need "what". Q: What did he look like? A: He was tall, and his red shirt made him look like an apple. To ask a feeling, you use "how". Q: How did he look? A: He looked tired. It's a bit not natural.