How to activate full screen in Microsoft Edge? - Super User
Aug 15, 2017 · Being a Universal Windows Platform App, Edge has a full screen mode built in. All UWP apps can be put into full screen mode by using the Shift + Windows + Enter key combination. But for some unknown reason, Microsoft hasn't mentioned the feature anywhere in Edge that I can see. Edge in normal mode: Edge in full screen mode: Screenshots lifted ...
Is it possible to configure edge full-screen speed?
Jun 30, 2023 · When you press F11 on the Edge browser to show the sites in full screen, if the mouse hovers over the top border, the address bar shows up and takes a lot to hide back. How can we make it hide/show up immediately with the Windows registry, browser flags, program, or in any other way? The solution could be for Windows 10 or Windows 11.
multiple monitors - Trick to not show title bar in Edge Full Screen ...
Dec 22, 2022 · I have a small monitor under my two primary monitors. On it, I keep a network dashboard in MS Edge full screen. You can see my screen layout below. The monitor in question is #4. The problem is, when I interact with the full-screen page and then move my cursor back to the monitor above, it triggers Edge's navigation to appear and it does not go ...
Disable Mouse Exit Edge Fullscreen when moved to top
Nov 20, 2023 · I'm using Edge fullscreen and I'd like to disable the "Move mouse cursor to top" disable Edge fullscreen feature. Then the only way would be using the F11 key. I'm finding myself accidentally closing fullscreen all the time.
How to disable auto-maximize/resize window (aero-snap) when …
dragging a window near a corner offers resize to full-screen; dragging directly to the corner offers half-screen maximize; resizing to top or bottom edges offers a vertical maximize (one long strip from top to bottom) Actually, now that I think about it the 3rd one isn't so bad, its just the full and half-screen maximize features that drives me ...
Start Microsoft Edge maximized on first run - Super User
Jun 18, 2016 · HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\Main\LastClosedHeight with the horizontal and vertical size of the desktop, but manually changing these with regedit doesn't change the size of Edge when I start it again.
Why can’t I interact with YouTube via keyboard in Microsoft Edge?
Aug 28, 2023 · However, if I Alt+Tabto another app, then alt tab back to YouTube, then I cannot interact with YouTube via keyboard (pressing F will not change to full screen) until I click the cursor onto Edge. However, hotkeys for Edge itself still works normally, i.e. pressing Crtl + W can still close a tab. Interaction with Youtube on Firefox still works ...
Windows 10 fullscreen in only portion of the screen
Dec 9, 2020 · In Windows 10, go to Settings, System, Multi-Tasking and set the Snap to Settings so that you can snap a Zoom or You Tube window to the side of the screen and work in the rest of the screen. This is a close as you can get to separate windows in the same physical screen. It does work quite well.
Disable "press 'esc' to exit full screen" in flash videos
I watch videos on YouTube, Netflix, etc. Whenever I enter full-screen mode, I get the annoying "You've entered full screen mode. Press 'esc' to exit full screen mode". Since I'm constantly switching between programs, I see this message a lot and am severely annoyed by it. Is there a way to disable these notifications?
How to perform a Hard Refresh in Edge? - Super User
Restarting Edge; Restarting computer; None of this has worked. I have a change in a CSS file and a change in a JavaScript file. Every time old versions of those files are being loaded. I just want to do a hard refresh and reload everything in Edge - what am I missing to achieve this?