I am sorry to hear that - WordReference Forums
Mar 25, 2023 · These optons are nice idiomatic translations to "I am sorry to hear that". The literal translation: "Lamento/Siento oír eso", is one of that sentences that might work in a novel or film, but I doubt that a real person would naturally say that in the real life.
Can I say "I am sorry for hearing that?" - WordReference Forums
Jan 20, 2019 · When and why would you say "I am sorry for hearing that?" (I suspect that you think that it is the same as "I am sorry to hear that?" and it is not - it is completely different.) As a question of grammar "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously 1" is grammatically correct, but it is nonsense. 1 See Colorless green ideas sleep furiously - Wikipedia
Using the sentence sorry to hear that
May 3, 2021 · "Sorry" means "full of sorrow". As an apology, it literally says "I am full of sorrow for doing something wrong". But it can still mean "full of sorrow" in other contexts. If you are told that someone has died, it is natural and normal to say "I'm sorry to hear that" meaning "I am full of sorrow to hear that the person has died".
"I'm sorry to hear that" vs "I'm sorry for that" as a response
In fact, you could argue that it's more prevalent than saying sorry for that. Another common phrase is sorry about that. You could also make the case that saying sorry for that indicates that you might be accepting some of the blame for the bad consequences, whereas saying sorry to hear that would only ever indicate that you are consoling someone.
I'm sorry to hear that. - WordReference Forums
Mar 12, 2013 · A.No way B.No problem C.I am sorry to hear that D.You're welcome The reference answer is C, but why not A? I feel that people say "I'm sorry to hear that" when <something> bad happened to others, while in some films, I saw young people use"no way" to express their doubt or unwillingness. Waiting for your explanation. Thanks in advance!
I am sorry to hear... - WordReference Forums
Jan 14, 2009 · Not only does "sorry to hear" just sound right (pun!), but one definition of "to hear" is "to learn" per Merriam Webster, thus not just referring to audio perception: 2 a : to gain information : learn
Norwegian: It's sorry to hear that... - WordReference Forums
Apr 1, 2013 · Ja - det kan bety 'stupid', men oftest betyr det 'leit' eller 'uheldig'. Vanligvis på norsk sier man ikke "jeg er..." i slike sammenhenger, men "det var...". Derfor er det best å oversette 'I am sorry to hear' med "det var leit/trist/dumt å høre". Det er ingen norske uttrykk som fullt ut tilsvarer 'I am sorry to hear'.
What does "I'm so sorry for you to hear that" mean?
Jul 5, 2019 · 1) Someone hears something they were not meant to hear. Past Tense. 2) I'm so sorry (that) you have to hear that. 2) I'm telling you now you are doing a poor job. I am so sorry you have to hear that. Present Tense. Neither of those can be expressed as: I'm sorry for you etc. To be sorry for someone means to pity them.
Can I say "I am sorry?" when I can't hear something?
May 20, 2019 · So, the same "Sorry" in the same situation can mean several things, and the answers are definitely different for each meaning. Bottom line: the "(I'm) sorry" part is perfectly fine to be used. It just needs some additional clarification, to be sure that you get what you need.
Reply to "I'm sorry to hear that" / condolences - WordReference …
Jan 24, 2008 · You gave the example, "I'm sorry for your loss," which is a phrase used when people die. If someone died then responding by saying "It's ok," all by itself would not be the most common response (some might think that response to be sort of cold). If someone says they are sorry for a little thing you could say: Forget (about) it. No problem.