Fatigue Causes - Mayo Clinic
Feb 11, 2023 · Most of the time fatigue can be traced to one or more lifestyle issues, such as poor sleep habits or lack of exercise. Fatigue can be caused by a medicine or linked to depression.
How to prevent an afternoon crash with diet - Mayo Clinic Press
Dec 2, 2024 · Why do I feel tired in the afternoon? Low blood sugar can cause feelings of tiredness. The meals you eat — or did not eat — for breakfast and lunch can impact feelings of tiredness in the afternoon.
what to do when you can’t sleep - Mayo Clinic News Network
Mar 30, 2018 · Don’t go back to bed when you’re just feeling tired. Wait until you’re sleepy. If you can’t sleep once you get into bed, or if you wake up again and cannot fall back to sleep within 15 to 20 minutes, repeat the cycle.
Anyone wake feeling exhausted after seemingly dreaming all night
Jul 26, 2022 · When I've had a night of vivid dreaming, I wake up feeling like I've worked all night. The dreams aren't nightmares they are just very active dreams. Is this your experience as well?
post surgical fatigue and lightheadedness - Mayo Clinic Connect
Aug 12, 2011 · I am healing great and feeling good but I have been struggling with dull lightheadedness. Sometime I end up seeing a black spot and tinging in my right ear. I am not sure if it is from the inactivity or what.
Better ways to fight fatigue - Mayo Clinic Connect
Apr 1, 2022 · Social connection and interaction keeps attention levels up and shifts your thoughts away from feeling tired. Blue-light-blocking lenses. Blue light that comes from television screens, cellphones and computers can trick your body into thinking …
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Still sleepy every morning? You may need a …
Jul 18, 2017 · DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I get between eight and nine hours of sleep most nights but still feel groggy in the morning. Would a sleep study help me figure out why I’m never rested? ANSWER: A sleep test may be beneficial. However, before you seek medical attention, consider several things about sleepiness.
Aren't you tired of living and waiting for things to get better?
May 10, 2024 · Many times we need to take a good long look at where we are, and consciously make the decision to feel better. The path we take can be varied. Moderate exercise, healthy eating, looking for and seeing the good things in our life.
Has anyone experienced fatigue after taking losartan for years?
Sep 6, 2024 · I wake up weak and tired, with my lower legs and feet not quite right. If I try and do chores, I’m pretty much done for the day after an hour. This is completely unlike me. Over the last six months I have weaned off of both bisoprolol and rosuvastatin. I am feeling better, but the fatigue continues. Has anyone else had this happen?
Tiredness after radical prostatectomy | Mayo Clinic Connect
Feb 20, 2023 · I have been getting 10-12 hours of sleep every night, but still feel tired and sometimes take a nap in the afternoon. Also, physical activity seems to make me more tired. I am 55, in good physical condition, and historically have been good with 6-7 hours of sleep.