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IPv6 prefix length - Cisco Learning Network
In IPv4, we use subnet masks to differentiate the network part and host part in an IPv4 address. IPv6 Prefix Length is used to identify how many bits of a Gobal Unicast IPv6 Address are there in network part. For example, in 2001:0DB8:0000:000b::/64, the number 64 is used to identify that the first 64 bits are in network part.
Slash notation ipv4 and ipv6 subnetting - Cisco Learning Network
Slash notation ipv4 and ipv6 subnetting hi, i stuck on a couple things, I don’t understand how to get a subnett number from a slash notation, for example /26 is 1024 subnets, Can some one please explain?
prefix-length zero in ipv6 - Cisco Learning Network
Hi Vipin, I ran your IPV6 address 2001::1/0 on an IPV6 calculator. It shows that the network address range is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff. That encompasses all possible addresses, so it would over lap any other address.
IP_subnet_calculator.ods - Cisco Learning Network
The calculator will help you learn your powers of 2 and how to quickly convert between prefix length and subnet mask. In addition, at the bottom of the calculator is a breakdown of the prefix length bits, network bits, subnet bits, host bits, number of subnets and number of hosts per subnet for the IP address and subnet mask entered in "rows" 3 ...
IPv6 Subnetting - Cisco Learning Network
IPv6 subnetting is much simpler than IPv4 since there isn't the concept of a subnet mask, see chart below for comparison. For CCNA and ROUTE, IPv6 subnetting is barely mentioned, but IPv6 addressing is a big topic in CCNA and even more so in ROUTE; we just wrapped up the IPv6 chapter in the FLG (200 pages!). In ICND2, Odom begins by reviewing ...
Cisco Learning Network
Aug 22, 2024 · 2.2. Identify IPv4 addresses and subnet formats. Subnet concepts, Subnet Calculator, slash notation, and subnet mask; broadcast domain; 2.3. Identify IPv6 addresses and prefix formats. Types of addresses, prefix concepts
IPv6 subnet - Cisco Learning Network
Now that is too much for you (because it is), then subnet using only 16 bits after the 48 bits. Let the router does the EUI or autoconfig on the remaining 64 bits. So if you subnet using only 16 bits after the 48 assigned bits, your IP will have a subnet of /64. If you subnet all 80 bits, your IP address will have a subnet of /128. You get the ...
IPv6 Subnetting - Cisco Learning Network
Great info here. When comparing IPv4 and IPv6 with my students, the discussion always focuses on how subnetting IPv4 allows us to minimize wasted address space. Then, we examine IPv6 subnetting and I usually make the comment, "Yes, we'll see a lot of wasted address space in IPv6. All I can say is, oh well!"