ISO 4014 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee SC 10, Product standards for fasteners. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 4014:1999), of which it constitutes a minor revision.
ISO 4014 - Hexagon head bolts with shank - fasteners
ISO 4014: 37,72: B (L≤125) 46: 50: 54: 60: 66-----B (125<L≤200) 52: 56: 60: 66: 72: 84: 96: 108--B (L>200) 65: 69: 73: 79: 85: 97: 109: 121: 137: 153: Note: All the information provided on this website is provided on an “as is” and “as commonly used in production” basis and you agree that you use such information entirely at your ...
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4014:2022(E) Fasteners — Hexagon head bolts — Product grades A and B 1 Scope This document specifies the characteristics of hexagon head bolts, in steel and stainless steel, with metric coarse pitch threads M1,6 …
DIN 931 | ISO 4014 | Hex Head Bolts - Westfield Fasteners
ISO 4014, which replaces DIN 931, specifies revised dimensions and tolerances for hex head set screws, most particularly new head dimensions for M10, M12, M14 and M22. Parts conforming specifically to ISO 4014 can be sourced, but are subject to availability. ISO 4017 is an equivalent standard, covering hex head bolts with a fully threaded shank.
ISO 4014:2022 Fasteners — Hexagon head bolts — Product …
This document specifies the characteristics of hexagon head bolts, in steel and stainless steel, with metric coarse pitch threads M1,6 to M64, and with product grades A and B.
ISO 4014:2022 (en), Fasteners — Hexagon head bolts — Product …
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 4014:2011), which has been technically revised. The main changes are as follows: ? tables for dimensions have been entirely restructured, so that the user can find the specified values in a reliable manner (no risk of picking the wrong dimension), see Clause 4 and Annex A ;
European Standard EN ISO 4014 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard. comma is used as the decimal marker. This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC 185 to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 4014 as …
ISO 4014:2011(en), Hexagon head bolts ? Product grades A and B
ISO 4014 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee SC 10, Product standards for fasteners. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 4014:1999), of which it constitutes a minor revision.
ISO 4014 Hex Head Bolts - Fastener Mart
ISO 4014 Hex Head Bolts have coarse external machine screw threads, are partially threaded and mate with nuts and tapped holes. Their dimensions are similar to DIN 931 except the hex head width across flats (wrench size) for three sizes—M10, M12 and M14—is 1 mm smaller like ANSI B18.2.3.1M.
I.S. EN ISO 4014:2022 V3.00 is the version of the NSAI adopted European document EN ISO 4014:2022, Fasteners - Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B (ISO 4014:2022), including any Corrections,