Do duck eggs taste like chicken eggs? - BackYard Chickens
May 18, 2008 · I recently got Indian Runner ducklings and mixed ducklings. When researching duck breeds, I came across the fact that Runner ducks can outproduce a chicken in eggs. I figure one egg probably tastes about the same as another. Am I right? Is there a notable difference in taste or use besides...
Indian Runner VS Khaki Campbells - BackYard Chickens
Apr 20, 2019 · Having trouble deciding which breeds to add to my flock. I’m raising mostly for eggs and possibly to hatch more off and sell some eventually. Just wanting to get some opinions. This is my options I believe, 12 Indian Runner ducklings, 12 khaki Campbells ducklings, or 4 khaki Campbell females and...
Indian Runner Ducks - Colours of eggs - BackYard Chickens
Feb 12, 2024 · My blue runners laid bluish eggs, the white ones (cross between blue duck and fawn/white drake) lay white eggs. I think my chocolate runners lay bluish eggs, too.
Indian Runner Duck First Time on Eggs - BackYard Chickens
Jul 18, 2016 · My little Indian Runner Duck is now more than 20 days laying on eggs. But the problem is that she is not big, and she can't cover all the eggs; she lay like 20 eggs. Will new ducks be born or she is not doing a good job? The Interesting thing is …
Indian Runner Ducks- hatching eggs - BackYard Chickens
Mar 20, 2018 · I have a year old runner duck sitting on her first clutch of eggs in our chicken coop, she seemed in everyway to be a good and attentive mom. Yesterday we heard one egg chirping and it was in process of hatching (pipped and in the process of unzipping). Came in to check about 1.5 hours later to...
Temperature for hatching Indian runner ducks - BackYard Chickens
May 28, 2019 · Hi, I'm very new to all this and I'm looking for advice. I am currently hatching Indian runner duck eggs and one has started pipping. I have 3more that haven't started yet and I'm worried about the temperature they should be at. My incubator is set for a 2 hour cooling period but I read that...
Incubating indian runner eggs - BackYard Chickens
Nov 14, 2015 · Hey everyone had to become a part of this great site. I am new at incubating, I have nine Indian runner eggs, what should my temp and humidity be, it is a forced air incubator. Also, when would my count down be and what should the temp and humidity be. Thanks for everyone's expertise.
Indian Runner - Reviews | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Jan 10, 2012 · Like all ducklings, Runner ducklings make a mess of the water and as adults they don’t keep their pen too clean either, but so goes for all ducks. They lay eggs, though not as much as advertised, and with fairly low fertility.
Indian Runner Duck egg colors - BackYard Chickens
Aug 12, 2012 · So I just got some indian runner duck eggs and was very surprised at the colors! The last ones i got were all white. Do different color duck lay different color eggs or what?
Help! Indian Runner Ducks 30 days still incubating - BackYard …
Oct 2, 2023 · First time post here. Also fist time incubating duck eggs. I have had indian runners in for now 30 days. I’m struggling to see any internal pipping or movement over the last few days. I’ve had 2 hatch and are okay but not sure if I should …