Insider Threat Awareness - USALearning
This course provides a thorough understanding of how Insider Threat Awareness is an essential component of a comprehensive security program. The course promotes the reporting of concerning behavior observed within the place of duty.
DHA-US427 Insider Threat Awareness (30 mins)
This linked course provides a thorough understanding of how Insider Threat Awareness is an essential component of a comprehensive security program. With a theme of if you see something, say something, the course promotes the reporting of …
Insider Threat Awareness INT101.16 - DCSA CDSE
Using case study scenarios, the course teaches common indicators associated with insider risk. The instruction promotes a proactive approach to reporting, to support positive outcomes for the workforce.
Insider Threat - DCSA CDSE
Insider Threat Programs are designed to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by insiders who represent a threat to national security.
National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM) - USALearning
This threat can include damage to the United States through espionage, terrorism, unauthorized disclosure of national security information, or through the loss or degradation of departmental resources or capabilities. Use these tips to counter insider threats in your organization.
Insider Threat Toolkit - DCSA CDSE
The goal of providing these resources is to help IMSO and international military student officers, faculty and staff understand what an insider threat risk is, what behaviors to look for, who to notify if they feel an insider threat is possible, and how to react if an insider threat situation escalates.
It raises employee awareness about the indicators of potential insider threats including: erratic or unusual behavior, malicious activity such as data exfiltration, sabatogae, fraud, espionage, unwitting insider threats and knowing violations of company policy.
Organizations that participate in the campaign increase awareness and promote reporting of insider threats across their workforces. Offer awareness training and materials. Emphasize vigilance throughout the year. Achieve an operational …
Insider Threat Mitigation | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure ... - CISA
The Insider Threat Mitigation Guide provides comprehensive information to help federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; non-governmental organizations; and the private sector establish or enhance an insider threat prevention and mitigation program.
Insider Threat - DNI
NCSC co-leads the National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF) with the FBI. The NITTF helps the Executive Branch build programs that deter, detect, and mitigate actions by insiders who may represent a threat to national security.
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