Intrathecal catheter placement after inadvertent dural puncture …
Sep 27, 2024 · An intrathecal catheter may be inserted for the provision of analgesia and anaesthesia following inadvertent dural puncture during attempted epidural catheter placement. This decision must be made with consideration of potential risks and benefits (Grade C, moderate level of certainty).
Management of intrathecal catheters in the obstetric patient
Intrathecal catheters (ITCs), also known as continuous spinal catheters, are considered to be a reliable and effective neuraxial technique for labour analgesia and surgical anaesthesia, with failure rates comparable with epidural analgesia and anaesthesia.1,2
Implantable Intrathecal Drug Delivery System - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Jul 19, 2024 · An intrathecal drug delivery system consists of a pump and an intrathecal catheter. The pump serves as the drug reservoir, and it is implanted under the subcutaneous tissue in the abdominal area. The catheter attaches to the pump and delivers medications directly into the intrathecal space.
Intrathecal Catheter Placement - Stanford Health Care
The catheter runs beneath the skin from the intrathecal space in the space around to the front of the chest where it is attached to the port. Since the entire device is placed under the skin, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.
Permanent Placement of Intrathecal Pain Pump and Pump …
Jan 21, 2019 · Catheter insertion and placement of pump is performed surgically in outpatient surgery. Two skin incisions are performed to insert pump and catheter. Pump is mostly inserted under the abdominal skin on either side of the umbilicus (belly button). Skin insertion for the catheter is taken over the spine between third and forth lumbar vertebrae.
Chapter 59: Intrathecal Catheter - McGraw Hill Medical
Intrathecal (IT) catheters, also known as continuous spinal anesthesia, are a reliable and effective neuraxial technique. 1 Except in select cases, an intentional IT catheter is not recommended for labor analgesia due to the potential risks of high/total spinal anesthesia or devastating medication errors (Chapter 60, “High Spinal”). 2 Here ...
Beyond the puncture: new guidelines for intrathecal catheter …
Intrathecal catheter placement: 2–4 cm advancement, considering risks such as migration or dislodgement. Labor analgesia initiation : isobaric bupivacaine 2.5 mg (or equivalent) + fentanyl 15 μg (or equivalent), with consistent use of the same solution throughout labor.
Management of intrathecal catheters in the obstetric patient
Intrathecal catheters are an effective and reliable neuraxial technique for labour analgesia and surgical anaesthesia. Catheter identification and communication with labour and delivery staff avoid errors during intrapartum administration. Incremental dosing for surgical anaesthesia is recommended. Declaration of interests
Intrathecal catheter placement after inadvertent dural puncture …
Sep 27, 2024 · A modified Delphi approach was used to produce statements and recommendations on insertion and management of intrathecal catheters for labour and operative delivery following inadvertent dural puncture during attempted labour epidural insertion.
Intrathecal Catheter Implantation - Clinical Gate
Feb 6, 2015 · The intrathecal catheter is placed directly in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the lumbar cistern by advancing a needle between the vertebral laminae at the L2-L3 level or below.