How to Hit a Kick Serve in Tennis: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Mar 10, 2025 · Topspin serves, commonly known as "kick serves," are a popular and effective tennis serve. A successful kick serve will hit your opponent's side of the court and bounce shoulder-high, where your opponent will struggle to hit it.
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How to Hit a Kick Serve in 5 Steps | The Tennis Tribe
Jul 8, 2024 · In this article, I will show you how to hit a kick serve with proper technique. First, I’ll explain what a kick serve is, and how it’s different than other serves. Then, you’ll learn 5 important steps to hitting an effective kick serve including the best times to use a kick serve in a tennis match. What is a Kick Serve in Tennis?
Physics of the Tennis Kick Serve - Tennis Warehouse
Apr 26, 2011 · A kick serve is one that bounces up around shoulder height as it crosses the baseline. It also swings into or away from the receiver due to sidespin imparted to the ball. Not everyone can serve a good kick serve.
How to hit a Kick Serve - It's Simple! - YouTube
Master the Kick Serve in 20 Mins. Get your free video tutorial by Tom Allsopp at https://tpatennis.com/kickGet your serve analysed by Tom Allsopp at tpatenni...
How to Hit a Kick Serve in Tennis: 5 Tips for Hitting a Kick Serve
Jun 7, 2021 · The topspin serve, commonly known as the kick serve, is one of the most popular serves in the game of tennis. For a kick serve, a player hits the ball “up," with the contact point high above the net, which decreases the chance of …
The Kick Serve: How To Hit This Pro Shot with Confidence
Learn how to hit the kick serve to help you win more points. We talk you through all the steps to improve your kick serve.
How to Hit The Perfect Kick Serve In 7 Steps (WITHOUT Losing …
⚒️ Join our 5-Day Serve Power Challenge FREE for a limited time:http://racquetflex.com/serve-challengeLearn how players like Federer, Sampras, or Thiem hit m...
Kick Serve In Tennis | The Ultimate Guide - Dad Racket
A kick serve is particularly a great option when used on clay courts. It can be used specifically to attack the weaker side of an opponent or to pull the player off to the side of the court so they will have more trouble getting to the serve.
How to Hit a Kick Serve? Top Tips From a Professional
A kick serve, also commonly known as a topspin serve, is hit with an upward spin and also hits across the ball to varying degrees. This gives the ball forward and sideways rotation, making it bounce high and away from the opponent.
TENNIS SERVE I 5 Steps To Master The Kick Serve
Jul 2, 2018 · In this tennis article, I’ll outline five steps to develop a world class kick serve. First, I’ll reveal the best grip and stance for the kick serve. Then, I’ll discuss where to exactly toss the ball to develop the right swing path. Finally, I’ll explain how to finish on the kick serve to get massive topspin like the best tennis players.