LRTI-Thumb CMC Joint Arthorplasty - AAPC
Oct 21, 2008 · The transfer of the FCR to the base of the first metacarpal is not a part of the basic CMC arthroplasty and must be coded separately. Use either 26480 (transfer or transplant of tendon, carpometacarpal area or dorsum of hand; without free graft, each tendon) or 25310 (tendon transplantation or transfer, flexor or extensor, forearm and/or wrist ...
CPT ® 25447, Under Repair, Revision, and/or Reconstruction
CMC arthroplasty with tendon graft Recently received denial from Humana stating 20924 is bundled with 25447. Please note below pasted information from Orthopedic Coder's Pink Sheet 2015 regarding tendon graft with CMC arthroplasty.
Wiki CMC arthroplasty with tendon graft - AAPC
Jan 25, 2022 · Incorrect reporting of first CMC excisional arthroplasty and associated services Hand surgeons use a range of techniques for first carpometacarpal (CMC) excisional arthroplasty. Whether excisional arthroplasty is performed with an interposition tendon graft, tendon suspension, or allograft tightrope, all methods are reported with CPT code 25447 ...
25447 Includes Trapezium Excision : Orthopedic | Rule of Thumb
Feb 1, 2003 · In some cases the surgeon will perform a fusion to stabilize the metacarpophalangeal thumb joint with the CMC joint arthroplasty. If this is the case report 26850 (Arthrodesis metacarpophalangeal joint with or without internal fixation) with modifier -51 (Multiple procedures) appended along with 25447.
New CPT 25448 with 26480? | Medical Billing and Coding Forum
Feb 25, 2025 · Pre-operative Diagnosis: Left thumb carpometacarpal arthritis Post-operative Diagnosis: same as preop diagnosis. Left thumb CMC suspension arthroplasty; Left EPB to APL tendon transfer; Description of procedure: Patient was brought to the operating room and positioned supine with a hand table.
Revision cmc arthroplasty | Medical Billing and Coding Forum
Mar 8, 2013 · revision arthroplasty of cmc joint, rt thumb, with removal of interpositional implant at the base of the thumb metacarpal. revision cmc arthroplasty using the flexor carpi radialis tendon and a slip of the abductor pollicis longus tendon. not sure if i should code 25447,25310,20680 or 25449,25310!! any advise would be most helpful
Let Tendon Transfer Site Lead You to the Correct CMC …
Jul 1, 2005 · She then rolls the end of the tendon into an anchovy and interposes it in the gap left by the removal of the trapezium. Wrong way: You might be tempted to code the procedure with 25447 (Arthroplasty, interposition, intercarpal or carpometacarpal joints), and leave it at that. But don't stop there, unless you want to miss out on more than $800 ...
Wiki Carpometacarpal Resection Arthroplasty - AAPC
Oct 20, 2008 · Code 25447, Arthroplasty, interposition, intercarpal or carpometacarpal joints, represents an interposition arthroplasty of either intercarpal or carpometacarpal joints. It is performed by excising part of one or more of the respective bones and then inserting soft tissue, such as an “anchovy” of tendon or a piece of fascia, between them.
25447 w/tendon transplant | Medical Billing and Coding Forum
Aug 4, 2008 · The transfer of the FCR to the base of the first metacarpal is not a part of the basic CMC arthroplasty and must be coded separately. Use either 26480 (transfer or transplant of tendon, carpometacarpal area or dorsum of hand; without free graft, each tendon) or 25310 (tendon transplantation or transfer, flexor or extensor, forearm and/or wrist ...
CPT ® 25448, Under Repair, Revision, and/or Reconstruction
In this suspension arthroplasty, the provider stabilizes the joint by suspending or holding bones in place using soft tissue or implants to maintain proper spacing. The service also may include interposition, where the provider inserts a cushion, such as tendon, to reconstruct and restore mobility of the joint.