Lot and His Daughters - Bible Study
Lot, fearful something bad will happen to him in the mountains, requests from the angels that his family be allowed to flee instead to the nearby small town of Zoar. His impulsive request is granted. God, shortly after the family enters Zoar, destroys the sinful cities of the plain with fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24).
Meaning of the Number 318 in the Bible - Bible Study
Lot, his family, and all their possession are saved (Genesis 14:11 - 16)! More Info on Biblical Meaning of 318 318 is the product of 2 x 3 x 53. 2, 3 and 53 are all primes.
Jezebel to Melchizedek - Old Testament People - Bible Study
Lot Genesis 11:27, 31, 12:4 - 5, 13:1 - 14, 14:12 - 16, 19:1 - 36, etc. Lot's uncle was Abraham. Lot was saved out of Sodom and Gomorrah by two angels before it was destroyed by God. He sadly witnessed his wife turn into a pillar of salt for her disobedience (Genesis 19).
Meaning of the Number 35 in the Bible - Bible Study
In the end, not even ten obedient people were found in the sinful cities. Sodom, Gomorrah and the surrounding area, after Lot and his family are taken from them, receive the death penalty they justly deserved (Genesis 19:24 - 25). Visions. The Hebrew word chazon, Strong's Concordance #H2377, is recorded 35 times in 34 Hebrew Old Testament ...
Who Saw Lot's Wife Turn to Salt? - Bible Study
When the family finally reaches the small town of Zoar, just as the sun is rising, a destructive supernatural event takes place! Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord out of heaven . . . But his (Lot's) wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:24, 26).
Why Did Abraham Try to Save Sodom? - Bible Study
Lot Escapes. Most people know what happens next. Only one person, righteous Lot (2Peter 2:7), whose uncle was Abraham, was found in the cities. He and his family are personally escorted out of Sodom before fire rains down from heaven and completely destroys the two sinful cities and other villages nearby.
Israel Migrates to Egypt - Bible Study
How old were Israel and his descendants when they made Egypt their new home? In 1670 B.C., the year he and his family left for Egypt, Jacob was 130 years old (Genesis 47:7 - 9). Joseph, who was already in the country, was 39 with his sons Manasseh and Ephraim being between 2 …
The Legal Genealogy of Jesus - Bible Study
As Christ's legal father, he passed on to him the right, when he returns to earth at his second coming (Jeremiah 23:5, Revelation 17:14, 19:16), to sit on David's throne. His glorious reign into the ages of eternity will fulfill several Biblical prophecies (2Samuel 7:16, Isaiah 9:6 - 7, Jeremiah 33:15 - 17, etc.). Jesus and the Number Fourteen
Sisera to Zipporah - Old Testament People - Bible Study
After Abraham's marriage to Sarah, Terah decided to move his family (which included Abraham's brothers Nahor and Haran, as well as Lot (the son of Haran)). They family migrated from Ur of the Chadees to a place that would be named after Haran. Abraham, Sarah and Lot, after Terah's death at the age of 205, left Haran and journeyed to the land of ...
Why Did Jesus Move to Capernaum? - Bible Study
Capernaum itself, however, is not mentioned at all in the Old Testament and can only be found in the four gospel accounts in the New Testament. Jesus, just before his public ministry began, left his boyhood home in Nazareth and took up residence in the city. This move was a fulfillment of prophecy (see Isaiah 9:1 - 2 and Matthew 4:13 - 16).