Lygaeus kalmii - Wikipedia
Lygaeus kalmii, known as the small milkweed bug or common milkweed bug, is a species of seed bug in the family Lygaeidae. It is found in Central and North America. [1][2][3] Lygaeus kalmii was first formally named in 1874 by Swedish entomologist Carl Stål in his Enumeratio Hemipterorum. [4][3] There are two recognized subspecies: [3]
Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii) - Insect Identification
Jan 31, 2025 · Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii) Detailing the physical features, habits, territorial reach and other identifying qualities of the Small Milkweed Bug
Species Lygaeus kalmii - Small Milkweed Bug - BugGuide.Net
May 8, 2019 · Adults suck nectar from flowers of various herbaceous plants, and also feed on milkweed seeds (?). Also reported to be scavengers and predators, especially in spring when milkweed seeds are scarce. They have been reported feeding on honey bees, monarch caterpillars and pupae, and dogbane beetles, among others. (Root 1986)
Small Milkweed Bug - Missouri Department of Conservation
The small milkweed bug (Lygaeus kalmii) is one common type of seed bug. It is found on many more plants than just milkweeds.
More than monarchs - What are those bugs on my milkweed?
Jul 30, 2021 · Small milkweed bugs (Lygaeus kalmii) are also orange and black, but instead of a black bar on their back, they have a heart-shaped black patch along with two black patches on either side. Additionally, as their name implies, they …
Bug Eric: Small Milkweed Bug - Blogger
Jan 29, 2014 · One insect that can be found at virtually any time of the year is the colorful Small Milkweed Bug, Lygaeus kalmii. Contrary to its common name, this insect feeds on a variety of plants, not just milkweeds. The adult bugs overwinter and often emerge from cracks and crevices on warm winter days.
Lygaeus kalmii - Wikispecies
Dec 24, 2022 · The life of a Californian population of the facultative milkweed bug, Lygaeus kalmii (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Dispersal of Lygaeus kalmii (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) among prairie milkweeds: population turnover as influenced by multiple mating.
Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii) - iNaturalist
Lygaeus kalmii, known generally as the small milkweed bug or common milkweed bug, is a species of seed bug in the family Lygaeidae. It is found in Central America and North America. Most organisms interact with other organisms in some way or another, and how they do so usually defines how they fit into an ecosystem.
Lygaeus kalmii kalmii - Lygaeus kalmii - BugGuide.Net
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
Lygaeus kalmii - Insects of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Jul 15, 2018 · Lygaeus kalmii This is a small milkweed bug. They feed primarily on nectar and milkweed seeds, but will eat other insects when available.