Town of Lyme | Founded 1665
6 days ago · The Lyme Public Library is planning to offer the following programs and activities in April. All events take place at the library unless otherwise noted. For the complete details on these activities, please call the library at 860-434-2272 or visit...
Welcome to Lyme! | Town of Lyme
The Town, together in partnership with the Lyme Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy’s Connecticut chapter, maintains an extensive network of hiking trails and open spaces. For more information, go here .
Welcome to the Town of Lyme | Town of Lyme
Lyme is a small, rural community of just over two thousand residents situated on the eastern bank of the Connecticut River in New London County. Our community is about thirty square miles in size with a very low population density.
About Lyme | Town of Lyme
Lyme is a small, rural community with approximately 2,300 residents situated on the Eastern bank of the Connecticut River in New London County. Our community is roughly 30 square miles in size, with a very low population density.
Town Departments | Town of Lyme
For the web page of Lyme Town Hall, click here. For details on the roles and responsibilities of the Town Clerk, click here.
Maps | Town of Lyme
Representatives from area social service agencies, academia, churches and the Lymes’ Senior Center have been invited to attend to discuss what’s already being done to help Lyme residents coping with loneliness and what else might possibly be done.
Boating, Parks & Trails | Town of Lyme
Lyme’s southern border includes Rogers Lake, which offers opportunities for boating, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, waterskiing, swimming and other popular recreational activities. For the rules and regulations that govern the use of Rogers Lake, click here.
Agenda for Feb. 19 Connecticut River Gateway Commission …
Feb 11, 2025 · The Connecticut River Gateway Commission’s Procedures Committee is holding a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 6:00 p.m., on Zoom. To view the agenda, click here.
Trash & Recycling | Town of Lyme
The Town of Lyme offers single-stream recycling at the Hamburg Recycling Center. Residents can dispose of accepted recyclable items at the center without the need to sort the items into separate bins.
Fourth of July Parade Street Closings | Town of Lyme
Jul 1, 2024 · The Town of Lyme would like to advise area residents that the traditional Cove Road July 4th Parade will be held Thursday, July 4, at approximately 10:00 a.m., in celebration of Independence Day. The parade will begin near Camp Claire on Cove Road, cross Route 156 and end at the Lyme Grange.