MIT App Inventor
Hello everyone and welcome to our 2024 Year in Review for App Inventor development. First, let’s highlight our amazing user base (click here to read about some of the awesome projects they built in this year’s Global AI Hackathon).
Get Started with MIT App Inventor
App Inventor is an online tool, meaning you can create apps for phones or tablets right in your web browser. This website offers all the support you'll need to design apps:
Welcome to MIT App Inventor! - Massachusetts Institute of …
Welcome to MIT App Inventor! or. Your Revisit Code: --- Login with your Google Account
Starting App Inventor for the First Time
Starting App Inventor. Before you begin, make sure you have access to the following things: Internet; A Gmail account (this is how you will log in to App Inventor) Start the Designer and create a new project. In your web browser, go to the App Inventor website at http://beta.appinventor.mit.edu/. If this is the first time you are using App ...
MIT App Inventor Login - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
© 2012-2024 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Terms of Service ...
Hour of Code with MIT App Inventor
You access App Inventor using a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). With these beginner-friendly tutorials, you will learn the basics of programming apps for Android and iOS phones or tablets. You will need:
Step 1: Starting App Inventor 2 for the First Time
In your web browser, go to App Inventor 2 at http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/. If you are not currently signed in to your Google Account, you will be asked to sign in. App Inventor saves all of your projects to our server, under the name on your google account, so any progress you make now will be saved for the next time you open the program.
Our Tutorials! - MIT App Inventor
Sharing Component: send files and text with the app of your choice. Component(s): File Sharing Difficulty: intermediate Link to Tutorial
Invent Mobile Apps - MIT App Inventor
Using MIT App Inventor, you can develop applications for Android devices using a web browser and a connected phone (or emulator). The App Inventor servers store your work and help you keep track of your projects.
Building and Installing Apps in App Inventor
Create a file that can be installed in a device (.apk) by going to the "Build" menu on the App Inventor toolbar. Select "Application (Save to my Computer)." A pop-up box should alert you that your download has begun.