Mk 76 Practice Bomb - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
Jun 12, 2017 · The Mk 76 is a 11.3 kilogram practice bomb used for training purposes as a low-cost low-risk alternative to live munitions. This 25 pound training weapon is non-explosive and …
25 lb. Practice Bombs - Delfasco
Commonly referred to as the MK-76 or BDU-33, practice bombs have a spotting charge that releases a cloud of smoke on impact. Practice bombs are used to simulate the MK-82 in low …
Mk 76 Mod 5 Practice Bomb - tpub.com
Mk 76 Mod 5 Practice Bomb The Mk 76 Mod 5 practice bomb (fig. 13-12) is prepared for aircraft loading as discussed in the following steps: WARNING Be extremely careful when handling a …
Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments & Ammunition
The MK 76 is a tear drop shaped practice bomb that simulates a MK82 low drag configuration used by the Navy. It is similar to the Air Forces’ BDU-33. It utilizes the M4 or CXU-3 signal...
Subcaliper Practice Bombs - Page 20
The Mk 76 Mod 5 is a 25-pound, solid, metal-cast, practice bomb (fig. 1-41). Its body is teardrop shaped and centrally bored to permit the insertion of a practice bomb signal cartridge. The …
Bomb, 25 lb Practice, Mk 76 Mod 0, 1, 2 - Bulletpicker
The 25-lb PB Mk 76 Mod 0, now obsolescent, has a tear-drop shaped, cast-metal body which is centrally bored. The tail-tube assembly fits into the end of the bore. The conical afterbody …
Bomb, Practice, 25-lbs, MK 76 - uxoinfo.com
The Practice Bomb MK 76 has a tear shaped; cast metal body that is centrally bored. The tail assembly fits into the end of the bore. The conical after-body covers the tail-tube assembly …
A Mk-76 Tale - The Lexicans
Oct 26, 2012 · Let me introduce you to the Mark 76 Practice Bomb. More commonly referred to as the Mk-76, the bomb is the mainstay of Navy flight training. First thing to know is that the Mk …
Munition, bomb, MK 76 MOD 1 Practice Bomb - Fenix Insight
The MK 76 MOD 1 is a small, US Navy (USN) developed, 25 lb (≈11.3 kg)-class, teardrop-shaped, fin-stabilised, practice aerial bomb, which comprises nose section and a tail unit. …
U.S. BOMB, 25-LB, PRACTICE, MK 76 MOD 0, 1, 2, & 3
The Mk 76 Mods 1, 2, 3, 4, and some Mod 5 bombs have a 0.25-inch (6-millimeter) white stripe over the index holes. Use: These bombs are signal-generating, impact-or impact-inertia-fired …