Mahākāśyapa - Wikipedia
Mahākāśyapa assumed leadership of the monastic community following the parinirvāṇa (death) of the Buddha, presiding over the First Buddhist Council. He was considered to be the first patriarch in a number of Early Buddhist schools and continued to have an important role as patriarch in the Chan / Zen tradition.
摩訶迦葉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
摩訶迦 葉 ( shè ) (梵語: महाकाश्यप ,IAST: Mahākāśyapa ;巴利語: Mahakassapa ),又被稱為大迦葉、摩訶迦葉波、迦葉波、迦葉,為釋迦牟尼 十大弟子之一和佛教創始人,在釋迦牟尼弟子中,被稱為頭陀第一。
摩诃迦叶 - 百度百科
摩诃迦叶是 佛陀十大弟子 之一。 梵名Maha^ -ka^s/yapa ,巴利名Maha^-kassapa 音译之略称。 全名大迦叶、摩诃迦叶(‘叶’字音‘摄’)。 又作迦叶波、迦摄波。 意为 饮光。 付法藏第一祖。 生于 王舍城 近郊之婆罗门家。 于佛成道后第三年为佛弟子,八日后即证入 阿罗汉 境地,为佛陀弟子中最无执着之念者。 摩诃迦叶人格清廉,深受佛陀信赖;于佛弟子中曾受佛陀分予半座。 佛陀 入灭 后,成为教团之统率者,于王舍城召集第一次经典结集。 直至阿难 (梵A^nanda )为法之继 …
Mahākāśyapa - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Mahākāśyapa (P. Mahākassapa; T. 'od srung chen po འོད་སྲུང་ཆེན་པོ་; C. mohejiashe 摩訶迦葉), or Kāśyapa, was one of the ten principal disciples of Gautama Buddha, who was foremost in ascetic practice (dhutanga).
Maha Kassapa: Father of the Sangha - Access to Insight
After Sariputta and Maha Moggallana had passed away, predeceasing the Buddha, it was Maha Kassapa who was held in greatest respect and reverence in the Order.
The Life of Mahakasyapa - Disciple of the Buddha - Learn Religions
Mar 7, 2019 · Mahakasyapa is called the "father of the sangha." After the historical Buddha died, Mahakasyapa assumed a leadership position among the Buddha's surviving monks and nuns. He is also a patriarch of Chan (Zen) Buddhism. Note that Mahakasyapa or Mahakashyapa is the Sanskrit spelling of his name. His name is spelled "Mahakassapa" in Pali.
MAHAKASYAPA的生活,佛陀的门徒和僧伽的父亲 - 佛教 - 2025
根据佛教传统,Mahakasyapa出生于Magadha富裕的婆罗门家族,在古代是印度东北部的一个王国。 他的原名是皮帕利。 从他的童年开始,他希望成为苦行僧,但他的父母希望他结婚。 他心软了,带了一位名叫Bhadda Kapilani的非常漂亮的妻子。 Bhadda Kapilani也希望以苦行僧的身份生活,所以这对夫妻决定在他们的婚姻中独身。 Bhadda和Pipphali幸福地生活在一起,当他的父母去世时,他接管了家庭财产的管理。 有一天,他注意到,当他的田地被耕种时,鸟儿会来,把蠕 …
Mahakashyapa - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Mahakashyapa (Skt. Mahākāśyapa; Wyl. 'od srung chen po) — one of the principles disciples of Buddha Shakyamuni and the first of the seven patriarchs who upheld the Dharma and succeeded to the Buddha as heads of the Buddhist community. He was responsible for holding the first Buddhist council in Rajagriha.
Mahākāśyapa – The Zen Universe
Aug 29, 2019 · Mahakasyapa (Mahakassapa) or Kāśyapa was a brahman of Magadha, who became one of the principal disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha and who convened and directed the first council. Mahakasyapa is one of the most revered of the Buddha’s early disciples. He is often depicted in statuary together with Ananda, each standing to one side of the Buddha.
Mahakashyapa - Rigpa Wiki
Mahakashyapa (Skt. Mahākāśyapa; Tib. འོད་སྲུང་ཆེན་པོ་, Ösung Chenpo, Wyl. 'od srung chen po) — one of the principle disciples of Buddha Shakyamuni and the first of the seven patriarchs who upheld the Dharma and succeeded to the Buddha as heads of the Buddhist community. He was responsible for holding the first Buddhist council in Rajagriha.