Mastaba - Wikipedia
A mastaba (/ ˈ m æ s t ə b ə / MASS-tə-bə, [1] / ˈ m ɑː s t ɑː b ɑː / MAHSS-tah-bah or / m ɑː ˈ s t ɑː b ɑː / mahss-TAH-bah), also mastabah or mastabat) is a type of ancient Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with inward sloping sides, constructed out …
Mastaba | Egyptian, Pyramid, Tombs | Britannica
Mastaba, rectangular superstructure of ancient Egyptian tombs, built of mud brick or, later, stone, with sloping walls and a flat roof. A deep shaft descended to the underground burial chamber. The term mastaba was first used archaeologically in the …
Ancient Egyptian Mastabas
The mastaba was used by the early pharaohs of Pre- and Early-Dynastic periods, but faded out of royal use in favor of the pyramids. The word comes from the Arabic word for "bench," and it was a rectangular structure that served as a tomb.
History of ancient Egypt: Mastaba, the first Pyramids
May 22, 2023 · The mastaba is a style of ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base, a flat roof, and sloping side walls made of stone or adobe bricks (mud from the Nile River). In ancient Egyptian, the mastaba was known as the "house of stability" or "house of eternity."
Mastaba, the Original Pyramids - ThoughtCo
Jan 11, 2018 · A mastaba is a large rectangular structure that was used as a type of tomb, often for royalty, in Ancient Egypt. Mastabas were relatively low (especially when compared to pyramids), rectangular, flat-roofed, roughly bench shaped burial structures that were created and utilized for the pre-Dynastic pharaohs or nobility of Ancient Egypt.
What Is a Mastabas in Ancient Egypt? - HistoryRise
Dec 21, 2024 · A mastaba is an ancient Egyptian tomb structure, characterized by a flat roof and sloping sides, resembling a bench. These rectangular buildings were made from mud bricks and primarily used during the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom.
Mastaba Tombs of the Old Kingdom - Encyclopedia.com
Mastaba Tombs of the Old Kingdom House for Eternity. The mastaba tomb's name comes from the Arabic word meaning "bench," for its resemblance to a mud brick bench sitting on the desert sand. Such benches are often located in front of houses. One name that the ancient Egyptians gave to tombs was per djet, "house of eternity." The Egyptians ...
Mastaba of Hesy-Re - Wikipedia
The Mastaba of Hesy-re is an ancient Egyptian tomb complex in the great necropolis of Saqqara in Egypt. It is the final resting place of the high official Hesy-re , who served in office during the Third Dynasty under King Djoser (Netjerikhet).
Ancient Egyptian history: Mastaba, the original Pyramids
Aug 3, 2022 · The mastaba (“pr-djt” in ancient Egyptian “house of stability” or “house of eternity”) is a type of ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base, a flat roof, and sloping side walls built with adobe blocks (mud from the Nile River) or stone.
Ancient Egyptian Mastabas - Give Me History
Mar 13, 2019 · The mastaba is the structural precursor to the later pyramids. In constructing a pyramid, the ancient Egyptians, first lid down a mastaba-like structure, which acted as the bottom platform and included the pyramid’s total base footprint.