马克斯·韦伯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
馬克西米利安·卡爾·埃米爾·韋伯(德語: Maximilian Karl Emil Weber ,1864年4月21日—1920年6月14日),小名馬克斯·韋伯( Max Weber ),是德国 社会学家、历史学家、经济学家、哲學家、法學家。
On Max Weber: Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe - BAdW
The Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe (Max Weber Complete Edition) presents all the passed on writings by Max Weber in accordance with historical-critical principles. Max Weber (1864-1920) is considered as one of the oustanding intellectuals of the …
马克斯·韦伯(德国社会学家、政治学家、经济学家、哲学家)_百 …
马克斯·韦伯,全名马克西米利安·卡尔·埃米尔·韦伯(德语:Maximilian Karl Emil Weber,Max Weber,1864年4月21日-1920年6月14日),男,德国社会学家、历史学家、政治学家、经济学家、哲学家,现代西方一位极具影响力的思想家,与卡尔·马克思和埃米尔·杜尔凯姆并 ...
Max Weber - Wikipedia
Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (/ ˈveɪbər /; German: [ˈveːbɐ]; [1] 21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920) was a German sociologist, historian, jurist, and political economist who was one of the central figures in the development of sociology and the social sciences more generally. His ideas continue to influence social theory and research.
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Wikipedia
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (German: Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus) is a book written by Max Weber, a German sociologist, economist, and politician. First written as a series of essays, the original German text was composed in 1904 and 1905, and was translated into English for the first time by ...
Max Weber - SAGE Publications Inc
A concise overview of sociology's greatest classic thinker. Weber emerges as a multisided intellectual personality, whose intellectual ambivalence is related to a neurotic breakdown in mid career and to the compromises he was forced to make among the conflicting politievanscal and intellectual currents of his time.
From Max Weber: Essays in sociology : Weber, Max, 1864-1920 …
Sep 17, 2008 · From Max Weber: Essays in sociology by Weber, Max, 1864-1920; Gerth, Hans Heinrich, 1908-; Mills, C. Wright (Charles Wright), 1916-1962. Publication date 1946 Topics ... CLOTH COVER DETECTION LOG download. download 1 file . DAISY download. For users with print-disabilities ...
Max Weber – Wikipedia
Maximilian „Max“ Carl Emil Weber (* 21. April 1864 in Erfurt; † 14. Juni 1920 in München) war ein deutscher Soziologe und Nationalökonom. Obwohl seiner Ausbildung nach Jurist, gilt er als einer der Klassiker der Soziologie sowie der gesamten Kultur-, Sozial- und Geschichtswissenschaften.
Max Weber by Reinhard Bendix - University of California Press
The purpose of this book is to make Weber's sociological work more accessible and more thematically coherent than it is either in the original or in translation. This volume is used as an introduction to the study of orignal Weber texts and gives the reader a systematic presentation of Weber's sociological studies.
Max weber’s works for Parsons’s thought throughout his career, with particular emphasis on Parsons’s advocacy for w eber’s thesis on the importance of the ‘Protestant ethic’ for the emergence of the spirit of capitalism and the development of rationalistic modern capitalism—