Should I purchase from Midway USA? : r/guns - Reddit
Jun 13, 2021 · MidwayUSA, Brownells and MidWestGunWorks are my go-to online retailers for parts without hesitation. Between the three, whoever has the lowest price (with shipping) is where I order. Depending on the immediate need (or want) of the part, I look for discount codes or wait for a holiday sale (like up coming 4th of July) to help with lowering cost ...
Who here has ordered from Midway USA before, and how was …
Jun 17, 2023 · I let UPS know, who told me they need to be contacted by the shipper/customer, Midway USA. Makes sense. Midway USA told me they have a contract with UPS where they will not open an investigation until the tracking goes 16 days without activity, and that timer resets if the tracking updates any activity. I have this in e-mail from multiple ...
Do any of you use MidwayUSA? What are they like to work with?
May 18, 2012 · I took the risk with Botach 2 weeks ago. Spare magazines and Magpul flip up front sight came fine. Rear sight was out of stock even though it said it was in stock.
[Code] Free Shipping on $49+ Orders at Midway USA : r/gundeals
Aug 21, 2020 · Yep, this exactly. Throw a * into the search bar and hit go. Then sort low to high price, filter for availability (backorder doesn't count towards free shipping), and scroll til you get something interesting.
Is MidwayUSA a reputable company? : r/tacticalgear - Reddit
Aug 22, 2021 · MidwayUSA shipping is usually same day. Selection is like 90% of optics planet but ships way faster. ...
What is your experience from MidwayUSA : r/guns - Reddit
Apr 28, 2020 · Purchased a SOG hatchet from Midway USA they had it listed for $49.99 but on special for $9.99 so I bought one. My order arrived and upon insp we cting the SOG hatchet I realized they screwed me. This so called $49.99 hatchet NEVER listed retail for that amount. This is a fraud listing price. Shame on MidwayUSA.
Midway usa ? : r/ar15 - Reddit
Mar 2, 2022 · Midwayusa is one of my favorite goto places for parts mostly. I have bought ammo too. The Post Office lost a package from them. 1 email and a replacement was on the way. I have nothing but good to say about them. Brownells is good for parts and ammo too. Natchez Shooters Supply is pretty good. I've started buying a few things from Palmetto.
Is Midway USA legit? : r/ar15 - Reddit
Midway USA RATING IS A NEGATIVE 10 STARS, I will never purchase anything from midway usa. ORDERED a higdon true strutter decoy. It arrived, opened the package and it shows a round base.
Does MidWayUSA expediate rifles? : r/guns - Reddit
Jun 8, 2024 · If your order contains a handgun, the handgun and any additional guns shipping from MidwayUSA on the same order, must ship Second Day Air. this was straight off of midway's website, by using reasoning then rifles can also be shipped with 2nd air
[Review][Negative] MidwayUSA, with a warning about using one
Dec 24, 2020 · TLDR: Don't use one-time use cards with MidwayUSA, if you do, you will have problems if returns are required. If using a virtual card, make sure the card stays open to new charges. If using a virtual card, make sure the card stays open to new charges.