a mini zombie in a little cage? what?!?! - Minecraft Forum
Dec 1, 2012 · A mob spawner is a block which constantly spawns mobs if there is a square with a light level of 7 or less within a few blocks, and the player is in 16 blocks (a torch gives off light level 14 and light dissipates at the rate of 1 per block from every light source).
OP Zombie (Commands) : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Jul 22, 2023 · Upvote this comment if this is a good quality post that fits the purpose of r/Minecraft. Downvote this comment if this post is poor quality or does not fit the purpose of r/Minecraft. Downvote this comment and report the post if it breaks the rules
invisible zombie problem - Survival Mode - Minecraft Forum
Mar 17, 2013 · Please help! I have an invisible zombie inside or somewhere near my house....its driving me crazy..... I have a 4 stories tall mansion, and out of nowhere all of a sudden I hear a zombie sound and I dont see anything. it goes throughout my house as long as i am near the center of the house no matter which floor im on.
How to make a zombie hold an item? - Minecraft Forum
Oct 24, 2016 · The attribute that causes this is called "CanPickUpLoot", which needs to be applied to a mob in order for them to pick an item up. The chance they'll spawn with that attribute is based off difficulty. On hard mode, each Zombie has a 20% chance to spawn with that ability. On easy, it's 1%. Normal is 7%.
Zombie reinforcement mechanics - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
Jul 3, 2013 · This has normally a base value of 0-0.1, giving about 5% chance to trigger the zombie.spawnreinforcements event. There is a chance a zombie gets a zombie leader status, giving him a zombie.spawnreinforcements base of 0.5-1. (50%-100% chance) When you hit the zombie, the game checks if you "win" and get a zombie.spawnreinforcement.
Zombie Fall Distance 1 hit kill - Minecraft Forum
Feb 2, 2012 · Zombies don't have any damn armor. They used to have them in Survival Test, but those didn't really do anything. It was just for show. Zombies do NOT have armor. It does not state anywhere in Minecraft's code that they have armor. And even if they did, then enough damage would still kill them in one hit. Someone edited the wiki, according to ...
The Origin of Every Mob In Minecraft | Part I: Creepers and Zombies
Nov 1, 2021 · Zombie Horses are also passive mobs, which would perhaps indicate that the Zombie infection/possession affects them differently. If the infection is actually caused by Nether spirits, then likely the Zombie Horses' passivity is because they are animals; if an evil spirit possessed a Horse, which compared to the brainpower of a Builder, then ...
Zombie vanishing from Iron Farm - Minecraft Forum
Mar 25, 2020 · In the attached image taken at night, you can see that a couple of my villager breed so now there a 5 villages, 4 beds, and 4 workstations but no zombie. It works great for a while but then I go over 200 blocks away to the village were I am building a walled castle all around it (several game days), go back to my base, and the zombie is gone.
Can someone explain exactly how zombie villager discounts work?
Minor positive and minor negative will slowly return to normal, so hitting a villager will create minor negative, after about 10 mins the prices should have returned to around normal. An example of minor positive is when you trade with a villager a certain amount, or when you cure a zombie villager (as part of the "reward" for curing them
Summoning mobs with potion effects - Minecraft Forum
May 19, 2016 · So the full command will spawn a zombie at your current location that has the Speed II effect, that will wear off after 5 seconds. But maybe you wanted a mob with multiple effects? It's not that hard to change: /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {ActiveEffects: [{ID:1, Amplifier:1, Duration:1000, Ambient:0}, {ID: 8, Amplifier: 0, Duration: 1000, Ambient: 0}]}