Miniature Garden
The source for the miniature garden hobby! Learn about this new hobby that combines crafting and gardening into one single pastime. Now enjoyed worldwide as a wildly creative outlet that enchants, intrigues and engages with nature and gardening.
Welcome to Our Big Little Corner of the Internet - Miniature Garden
We understand your passion and your love of all things gardening miniature. It’s a place where you can find all the information and solutions that we’ve spent years – and a lot of money – trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
About Miniature Garden Plants | MiniatureGarden.com for …
What are Miniature Garden Plants? “Miniature garden plants” are often misunderstood by the average garden-center-worker so we need to speak their language to find the ones that work for our hobby.
National Miniature Garden Month in May is the perfect opportunity to connect with nature, get your hands in the soil and develop your gardening skills. Whether you’re just starting to learn about gardening or an expert, growing a garden in miniature is another way to enjoy nature’s beauty.
What is Miniature Gardening?
Small scale trees and plants are combined with in-scale accessories and patios to make a real, living garden in miniature that can grow and weave itself together for years – just like a full sized garden. Miniature gardens can be grown in a container, or in …
About Miniature Garden Accessories
Not all miniatures are suitable for the living miniature garden so if you can’t afford to lose it, don’t use. The best mini garden accessories are the ones that weather gracefully and still look like an authentic miniature.
Source for Everything - Miniature Garden
Specializing in the plants, products, patios and kits that work in the Miniature Gardening: Trees; Shrubs; Plants; Furniture; Mini Garden Art; Water features; Garden structures; Patio & Path Material; Tools; Pots and Pottery; Kits; Printed books; eBooks; More!
About Miniature Garden Patios and Pathways
About Miniature Garden Patios and Pathways. The miniature patio works in tandem with the miniature accessories in cinching the scale. Without a patio or pathway, the miniature will look lost and out of place next to your plants – or like a child’s toy left behind in the dirt.
MINIATURE GARDEN SOCIETY DIGGING IN DEEPER. Enjoy all the tips, techniques, dos and don’ts of miniature gardening from our 24-years of expertise in researching and developing this new hobby. LEARN as you go. We’ve done the research for you. EMBARK on a weekend project with the right plants & advice.
Books | MiniatureGarden.com for Everything Gardening in Miniature!
Find these bestselling books wherever books are sold or get your autographed copy up in the Miniature Garden Center store here. Gardening in Miniature: Create Your Own Tiny Living World A bestseller for and THE primer for the hobby!