Sutliff: Molto Dolce 1.5oz Pipe Tobacco - Smokingpipes.com
Sutliff's Molto Dolce is the cream of the crop. A rich, creamy sweet topping is applied to Burley, Virginia, and Black Cavendish to create a delightful Aromatic smoke. In regard to the tin's art work, Botticelli's Primavera is depicted. A line from classical writer Lucrertius' De Rerum Nature inspired the choice of this masterpiece.
- Reviews: 137
My Review of Molto Dolce :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews
May 14, 2012 · Great clouds of milky white smoke billowed, and continued thru the entire bowl. Molto Dolce makes more smoke than a brushfire, and people stood on tip-toes to sniff it. Four co-workers, half of them non-smokers, confirmed that the room note is a winner. Four stars. And let me just say, Molto Dolce tastes good. It tastes like cake, like caramel ...
Molto Dolce? :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of ...
Aug 24, 2013 · Suffice it to say Molto Dolce is the Cream of the Crop. A rich and creamy texture of vanilla, caramel, and honey is applied to Burley, Virginia, and Black Cavendish. sinister
Sutliff Molto Dolce in Bulk! :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion
Jan 12, 2017 · Every time Molto Dolce comes up, someone will point out that it is the same as Creme Brule, except without the extra dose of topping. And, really it is that extra dose of sopping wet topping that makes Molto Dolce so good... as it was The People's Choice Award in Chicago a few years back.
Molto Dolce - Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine.com
Jun 28, 2023 · If one finds an aromatic to be too cloyingly sweet, keeping it in a jar for a good period of time is a good way to tone the sweetness down. But it's a balancing act: keep an aro jarred too long and a good deal of the flavor is gone. For an …
Molto Dolce - Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine.com
Jun 28, 2023 · A few years back I purchased a tin of Molto Dolce. As others have noted, it is sticky, gooey, and almost impossible to dry out. Well I decided to have a bowl of it the other night and when I opened the plastic lid that had been covering it, all the sticky, gooey-mess was gone, and the tobacco was perfect for smoking.
Noob Review: Sutliff- Molto Dolce :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews
Nov 25, 2020 · I'm a fan of Sutliff Molto Dolce & also Creme Brûlée, which may be the bulk (& cheaper) version. A similar flavor profile with in my experience less topping is Panna Cotta. All three also make great blenders. I'll use just a smidge to sweeten up a variety of non-aromatics that become for me a bit blah.
Molto Dolce! - Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine.com
Dec 27, 2023 · Molto Dolce! Thread starter Cuinn; Start date Dec 27, 2023 . Log in. Your name or email address. Password ...
Molto Dolce - Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine.com
Jan 7, 2023 · I made my weekly visit to My tobacco store. I picked up a tin of Sutliff Molto Dolce. Looks like it will be an aromatic blend, but for the price I had to get it. I'll use it in my corn cob in about a half hour. I'm starting to like the English blends better. I'll use thr corn cob for this one...
Tobacco similar to Molto Dolce :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion
Nov 12, 2014 · I don't know why people like Molto Dolce. The couple bowls I had tasted like a bunch of chemicals to me. No actual flavor just a chemical taste. There are so many better aromatics out there. Lane 1-Q, Trout Stream, Hobbits Weed, etc., and Russ Ouellette's Warm Up is a really good blend too. I've yet to find a Sutliff aromatic that I've liked.