Trixie - MLP Forums
Oct 8, 2023 · In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #6, she reaches out to Rainbow Dash for help when Diamond Dogs crown her as their permanent queen. In Manehattan Mysteries, she expresses guilt for her past actions and forms a bond with Babs Seed.
Trixie EQG - MLP Forums
May 29, 2023 · In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship, Trixie sympathizes with Sunset Shimmer's public-image dilemma and admits to wanting to change how she is perceived by others. In the screenplay novelization of the Rainbow Rocks animated shorts, Trixie displays a lot of self-centeredness, frequently boasting about her own talents and ...
Ultimate Thoughts On Trixie? - MLP:FiM Canon Discussion - MLP …
Aug 6, 2020 · The reasons of why I don't like Trixie is the fact that She built her ego on a foundation of lies and deceit, along with Bullying and provoking other ponies to satiate her pride, and chose to punish a town, which was Ponyville, that DARED to suggest that maybe she wasn't nearly as great and powerful as she thought she was, and The only thing ...
MLP: FiM DooM WAD Announced (LulaDooM) By Cliff_Racer_562
Mar 3, 2014 · Doom wads are back in action with the follow up of a new DooM WAD project I am currently making. I am proud to announce LulaDooM. A DooM WAD where you play as Trixie fragging angry Mages and Wizards who for some reason want to frag her. More news will come in the future discussing my progression,...
My little pony commentary - Trixie's Tricks (Other Resources)
Jan 20, 2014 · Hello everyone it is me derpflutterbrony and I've been trying to make commentaries lately but I've been having a really hard time especially with syncing the audio and video. I would try to record, and the audio would get all scratchy and wouldn't turn out right. Do you have any recommendations f...
so Trixie was originaly a male - MLP Forums
Sep 6, 2013 · He'd probably end up as a Flim & Flam-tier villain and I don't reckon he'd gain such a memetic status as mare Trixie has. For my part, male Trixie wouldn't be as cute to me as female Trixie is, and though I'd probably still love the character (I love me some villains), female Trixie with her voice, mannerisms, and cute design makes her one of ...
My Little Pony: Cart Racing - Trixie's Tricks (Other Resources)
Nov 21, 2012 · I'm working on something (besides Ponyville) that i want you guys to help with. You can help with these things Music Ideas Course Ideas Sound Effects Voice Acting (Later on) Here are some screenshots the game is 2-d and i dont know how to make 3-d so bear with me Title Screen First Course: Sweet ...
Trixie was vastly mistreated, the writers have no respect for her
Jul 14, 2018 · Trixie is not A PART of things, Starlight making her a huge part of her life is a very important thing to me, No Second Prances, gives me goosebumps its so good... Trixie has the grit of an Earth Pony(even worked down to prove so), but she was coward looking in the mirror as a disgraced Unicorn, and doesnt know how to assume her identity...
The Great and Powerful Trixie Fan Club - Fan Clubs - MLP Forums
Jan 25, 2012 · *posting my one piece of Trixie fan art before retreating back to Rarity fan club* Trixie and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish are a perfect fit. Both arrogant, pompous, overhyped, and always failing to live up to expectation.
Trixie's Dad? - MLP:FiM Canon Discussion - MLP Forums
Apr 14, 2018 · did trixie lulamoon, magician extraordinaire, perform a spell to turn spike into a pony and herself into a stallion in an attempt to kill the grannies in a false magic trick cause the canterlot illuminati told her to?