Programs & Requirements ‹ Joint Staff ‹ The National Guard
The NG J8 conducts analysis on future requirements, generates capabilities to resolve those requirements, and advocates for resources to fulfill requirements for National Guard Title 10, Title 32, and State Active Duty (SAD) overseas and domestic missions.
National Guard Bureau Joint Staff
The Joint Staff assists the Chief, National Guard Bureau, in accomplishing his responsibilities for strategic direction of the National Guard forces; their operation under unified command; and their integration into an efficient team of land and air forces.
Joint Chiefs of Staff > Directorates > J8 | Force Structure, …
J-8 conducts joint, bilateral, and multilateral war games and interagency politico-military seminars and simulations. It develops, maintains, and improves the models, techniques, and capabilities used by the Joint Staff and combatant commands to conduct studies and analyses for CJCS.
Programs & Requirements ‹ Joint Staff ‹ The National Guard
Mission Statement: The NG J8 conducts analysis on future requirements, generates capabilities to resolve those requirements, and advocates for resources to fulfill requirements for National Guard Title 10, Title 32, and State Active Duty (SAD) overseas and domestic missions. Visit NGB J-8 on GKN Note: CAC authentication is required.
Oct 16, 2024 · This manual provides procedural guidance for the National Guard Requirements Oversight Council (NGROC) to support the Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau’s (VCNGB) advisory role in the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) on National Guard (NG) requirements and capabilities in accordance with the references. Cancellation. None.
Jun 6, 2022 · CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU INSTRUCTION NGB-J8 CNGBI 8202.00 . DISTRIBUTION: A 06 June 2022 . NATIONAL GUARD REQUIREMENTS OVERSIGHT . References: See Enclosure B. 1. Purpose. This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for National
Sep 6, 2018 · It is National Guard Bureau (NGB) policy to use the JCADP to identify, assess, validate, and prioritize NG capability requirements to enable the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB) to fulfill advisory capability development and resource allocation responsibilities.
J-8 Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment | Cal Guard
Provides procurement services to the Army and Air National Guard for purchases through the state procurement system. The Purchasing Section utilizes mandatory sources (State Price Schedules, Prison Industry Authority, State Contracts, and Material Services items), California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) and competitive sources (lowest ...
Aug 11, 2020 · Mission: Provide timely, focused, and accurate intelligence to NORAD and USNORTHCOM missions. Vision: An agile intelligence enterprise that drives NORAD and USNORTHCOM planing, operations, and decision making.
Maj Gen Randolph Staudenraus, USAF - National Defense …
Apr 25, 2023 · Maj. Gen. Randolph J. Staudenraus serves as Director, Programs and Requirements (J-8), National Guard Bureau, the Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.
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