Standard installation (NVivo 14 Windows) - qsrinternational.com
Install NVivo 14 Windows. NVivo 14 Windows is available as a download from https://download.qsrinternational.com/Software/NVivo14/NVivo.x64.exe . You must have administrator permissions for the computer on which you are installing NVivo. Follow these steps to install NVivo using the wizard:
About NVivo (NVivo 14 Windows) - qsrinternational.com
What is NVivo? NVivo 14 Windows is a desktop application that lets users organize, analyze and visualize information—anything from Word documents and PDFs to videos, podcasts, photos and database tables. Users can organize their material by …
NVivo Help - qsrinternational.com
NVivo 14 User Help – Windows Complete user help for NVivo 14 Windows including NCapture and NVivo modules (or do you want NVivo User Help – Mac?). If you are using NVivo 13 (Release 2020, R1), go to Windows help. NVivo 15 is now available. If you are using NVivo 14 Subscription license key, you can download and use NVivo 15.
About NVivo - qsrinternational.com
NVivo is the premier software for qualitative data analysis. Qualitative researchers describe, evaluate and interpret social phenomena. They analyze data from interviews, surveys, field notes, web pages and journal articles and work in sectors from social science and education to healthcare and business.
Before you install (NVivo 14 Windows) - qsrinternational.com
If your organization has NVivo Collaboration Server and your NVivo users intend to work exclusively with server projects you can install NVivo 14 Windows without a local database component by using a different deployment method—for example …
What's new - qsrinternational.com
With NVivo 14, you can send data from your cloud projects in Citavi Web or Citavi Desktop to NVivo. The imported data can then be used to query and visualise to identify patterns for your research. For more information, see Add from Citavi .
Installing NVivo - qsrinternational.com
Installing NVivo. If you're completely new to NVivo (and don't have a myLumivero profile) you can trial it here, or buy it here. If you have a myLumivero account, log into the myLumivero portal purchase there.
Getting started basics - qsrinternational.com
Intro & Import: A general overview of what NVivo does, and how to import data. Organize: A first look at how to code, note-keeping options, how to create cases (the units of analysis) and give them attributes (descriptive information).
Release notes (NVivo 14 Windows) - qsrinternational.com
April 2023 (Release 14.23.1) Resolved: Bug fixes related to NVivo 14 collaboration cloud projects. Improved: Performance for effective collaboration. March 2023 (NVivo 14) Added: With NVivo 14, you can send data from your cloud projects in Citavi Web or Citavi Desktop to NVivo.
Collaboration Cloud with NVivo 14 - qsrinternational.com
The new Collaboration Cloud with NVivo 14 is an add-on module allowing teams to collaborate in real-time on NVivo projects. Projects are uploaded by the Project Manager to a secure place in the cloud and team members clone the cloud project onto their computers from where they can work on the cloud project.