Naihanchi - Wikipedia
Naihanchi (ナイハンチ) (or Naifanchi (ナイファンチ), Tekki (鉄騎)) is a karate kata, performed in straddle stance (naihanchi-dachi (ナイハンチ立ち) / kiba-dachi (騎馬立ち)). It translates to 'internal divided conflict'. The form makes use of in-fighting techniques (i.e. tai sabaki (whole body movement)) and grappling.
Exploring the Value of Naihanchi Kata…and Putting It Into Action
May 26, 2010 · Naihanchi is the name of a kata that appears in many karate systems, and goes by multiple names. The most widely accepted is Naihanchi or Nai Hanchi, which is the Japanese pronunciation. It can also be called Naifanchi, Naifanchin, or Naifanchen (the …
Naihanchi a History - Artisan Martial Arts
Mar 6, 2023 · The kata known as Naihanchi is a unique, linear, side-stepping form with most of the techniques done in what is known as horse stance (kiba-dashi). There are three kata in the Naihanchi family, usually labeled as Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan; referencing the numbered order or level of the kata.
Shorin-Ryu Matsubayashi-Ryu Katas
The Naihanchi (Horse Riding) katas are adaptations of the Chinese Shaolin form Naifuanchin. They were modified by Ankho Itosu, who was also the originator of the Pinan (Heinan katas). The Naihanchi katas were traditionally the first katas a student would learn.
Naihanchi Kata Comparison — International Neoclassical Karate …
Oct 31, 2024 · Naihanchi, or Tekki, as it is known in Japanese karate styles, is one of the most widely-practiced kata in all of karate, only surpassed by Seisan and, perhaps, Gekisai.
Naihanchi Kata - DojoUpdate.com
It is believed that Naihanchi was developed as a technique in Chinese ch’uan fa, which is considered to be the first organized martial art. A Buddhist monk from India named Bodhidharma traveled to China sometime around 525 A.D. He is credited for bringing Zen Buddhism to China.
Searching for the "ancestral" naihanchi: Part 1 - Way of Least …
Mar 1, 2013 · Naihanchi (in particular, naihanchi shodan) is one of the most popular and widely known and practised karate kata on the planet, so I think it is one that is truly worth examining more closely. And in my opinion, the version below provides one of the best benchmarks for analysing the various differences and similarities.
Naihanchi Kata History - United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance
The history of the Naihanchi kata is that of karate itself. The Naihanchi Shodan kata is considered to be a kata of the Shuri Te lineage of karate. Tode (Shungo) Sakugawa is considered to be the first true practitioner of karate, particularly Shuri Te. His art was a mixture of Shuri Te, the native Ryukyu fighting art, and Chinese Kempo.
MSISSHINRYU.COM | Kata: Naihanchi
Naihanchi (a.k.a. Naifuanchi) is typical of in-fighting techniques, including grappling. There are three kata in modern (i.e. post 1900) karate, with the second and third being thought to have been created by Itosu Anko (Iwai, 1992; Kinjo, 1991a; Murakami, 1991).
Shorinji-Ryu Kata - Naihanchin - Black Belt Wiki
This page provides details on the Shorinji-Ryu Kata – Naihanchin. The Naihanchin (Naihanchi) kata is often one of the first katas taught in Shorinji-Ryu Kenkokan Karate. Shorinji-Ryu Kenkokan Karate was founded in 194os by Kaiso Masayoshi Kori Hisataka.