Narragansett Turkeys | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Dec 12, 2012 · Describe 'NARRAGANSETT TURKEY'S' here One of the best breeds of turkey's to have around. The beautiful rare, multicolored, really a medium-size bird to raise. They are great around the great-grand children, as will as our English Springer Spaniel. They are one of the best mother's, are very calm, and can be broody, if you let them.
Narragansett Turkey Laying "Season"? - BackYard Chickens
Apr 19, 2009 · In mid-April we bought a 1 year old Narragansett trio. Within 3 hours of being in their new home one of the hens laid an egg, within 8 hours, both had. I was more than impressed. They continued to lay an egg a day, or every other day consistently until April 30th when one of the hens got Sour Crop.
Narragansett | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
May 15, 2017 · The Narragansett Turkey began as a crossbreed between local wild turkeys in the New England area and domesticated turkeys brought here from Europe. It takes its name from the Rhode Island, Narragansett Bay area. The Narragansette was recognized by the APA in 1874.
Narragansett or Bourbon Reds - BackYard Chickens
Jan 14, 2011 · These are two varieties I have always like, the Narragansett and the Boubon Red, which makes the better small farm bird for free ranging in the day and penning up at night, free breeding and raising their poults? I had a few of the Wishart strain of heritage bronze and am kind of tempted to have...
Narragansett x Bourbon red? - BackYard Chickens
May 13, 2016 · The results were determined by using the Turkey Color Calculator that they provide. According to the calculator, crossing a Red Bronze tom with a Bourbon Red hen can produce: Red Bronze (hens and toms) Bourbon Red (hens and toms) Golden Narragansetts (hens) Bourbon Buffs (hens) Some of these will contain a hidden Narragansett gene and some …
Narragansett Turkeys, Anyone? - BackYard Chickens
Jan 24, 2015 · Has anyone tried raising Narragansett Turkeys? We are looking to start a small flock so that we can have our own fresh turkey each thanksgiving and a few throughout the year as well. We are not new to the poultry world, we have about 50 chickens and 10 ducks. But, this will be our first Turkey endeavor.
Narragansett Turkey sexual maturity - BackYard Chickens
Apr 27, 2014 · It is hard to know what is going on with your egg production without knowing your full situation. Turkey hens are notorious for moving their nests when they feel their nests are being disturbed. They make very good efforts at doing a better job hiding their new nests. At this time of year egg production can drop due to hens going broody.
turkey genetics advice - Narragansett and Blue Slate crosses.
Jan 25, 2012 · Half will get the dominant blue, and half will not. Hens will get the not-Narragansett gene from the slate Tom, while toms will get the recessive Narri gene from the hen. So no first generation offspring will show Narragansett, offspring will look like blacks or slates, even though toms will carry a recessive gene.
Narragansett Turkeys | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Nov 14, 2023 · Something that we have been realllllyyy interested in is keeping heritage turkeys to breed/sell. A friend of ours has 6 Narragansett Turkeys available and is giving them to us free. They are 7 weeks old and are in good health. The only problem is that we have no idea where we would put them.
Narragansett turkey's or Royal Palms? - BackYard Chickens
Jan 7, 2015 · So I just absolutely can't choose between the two.Their both beautiful and elegant.Which one though is more broody you can state your opinion in the poll and if you have any extra info about why one is better then another please tell! :) Thanks to whoever replies/votes!