Eclipse 80i | Nikon’s MicroscopyU
It also incorporated Nikon’s new wide spectrum UV Corrected optics with expanded spectral capabilities in the UV range. It was the first to come equipped with Nikon's Noise Termination technology, which helped deliver cleaner digital images than ever before. This scope was replaced in 2011 by the Eclipse Ni upright microscope line.
This instruction manual, which describes basic microscope operations, is intended for users of the Nikon ECLIPSE 80i microscope. To ensure correct use, please read this manual carefully before operating the product.
- [PDF]
The feature-packed 80i is the perfect platform for digital imaging in any laboratory or research situation. . . . breaking new ground in microscopy for the digital age.
This instruction manual, which describes basic microscope operations, is intended for users of the Nikon ECLIPSE 80i microscope. To ensure correct use, please read this manual carefully …
Hi S/N Fluorescence System employs a Noise Terminator Upgraded DIC performance for uniformly crisp images and versatility to support various specimens Plan Apo VC objectives deliver high-resolution images, right to the edges 80i with D-DH Digital Imaging Head
Nikon ECLIPSE 80i 顶级科研显微镜_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 日本/Nikon…
Jul 8, 2014 · Nikon ECLIPSE 80i 顶级科研显微镜,显微镜和数码相机结合得到完美图像匹配强有力的尼康CFI60光学系统而设计的Eclipse 80i给出非凡的高信噪比图像,得到的荧光图像显示了前所未有的信息。
Eclipse 80i正置生物显微镜_光影商城
尼康生物显微镜(Nikon)Eclipse 80i拥有现代化包括一系列高级功能的设计,包括尼康独有的“复眼照明”技术,VC平场复消色差物镜和应用于高端数字成像显微镜系统的智能电动数字成像头。
Nikon Eclipse 80i Advanced Research Microscope User Manual
Designed to truly harness the power of Nikon's CFI60 optics, the Eclipse 80i delivers remarkably high signal to noise ratios, producing fluorescence images that reveal more than ever before.
The New Eclipse i-series Microscopes for Bioscience Research from Nikon …
Nikon continues to offer the finest innovations in microscopy with the new range of Eclipse i-series microscopes. The Eclipse 80i, developed for customers involved in cutting-edge research, incorporates the most…
Nikon Eclipse 80i For Sale - LabX
Designed to truly harness the power of Nikon's CFI60 optics, the Eclipse 80i delivers remarkably high signal to noise ratios, producing fluorescence images that reveal more than ever before. …