What is NoSQL, how does it work, and what benefits does it provide?
NoSQL database systems are often highly optimized for retrieval and appending operations and often offer little functionality beyond record storage (e.g. key-value stores). The reduced run …
SQL versus noSQL (speed) - Stack Overflow
People who tend to use noSQL use it specifically because it fits their use cases. Being divorced from normal RDBMS table relationships and constraints, as well as ACID-ity of data, it's very …
Time Series Data storing: RDBMS vs NoSQL - Stack Overflow
Oct 29, 2018 · Traditionally, NoSQL was used for unstructured high volumes like logging results, website search data etc. However, with professionals becoming more comfortable with …
How do you track record relations in NoSQL? - Stack Overflow
In NoSQL, you don't design your database based on the relationships between data entities. You design your database based on the queries you will run against it. Use the same criteria you …
Use Entity framework code first with nosql database
Jul 15, 2015 · NoSQL database systems are often highly optimized for retrieve and append operations and often offer little functionality beyond record storage (e.g. key-value stores). The …
NoSql and Data-Warehouse - Stack Overflow
Apr 21, 2010 · NoSQL solutions usually manage relatively limited schemas with large cardinality in few entities, while data warehouses typically have lots of facts and dimensions (in a …
Store NoSQL data on SQL Server? - Stack Overflow
So ignore the fact that we should just use a NoSQL DB - client infrastructure requirements are getting the way. We have data that obviously belongs in a non-relational model, but we have …
sql - Join operation with NOSQL - Stack Overflow
Jan 3, 2010 · Additionally most nosql don't (really) support secondary indexes either, which means you have to duplicate stuff if you want to query by any other criterion. If you're storing …
database - NOSQL denormalization datamodel - Stack Overflow
You are correct, the data is often stored de-normalized in NoSQL databases. The problem with the updates is partially where the term "eventual consistency" comes from. In your example, …
Is there any NoSQL data store that is ACID compliant?
Apr 9, 2010 · Document-based NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB, CouchDB); Key/Value NoSQL databases (e.g. Redis); Column family NoSQL databases (e.g. Hibase, Cassandra). What we …