Plywood vs OSB | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
Feb 16, 2007 · We used to use plywood but have been useing 5/8 osb for years now and would nver go back.Have had several roofs where plywood delaminated and left little humps in the roof, never had 1 problem with osb.Sure plywood is stronger but osb is strong enough if you use 5/8.For the price differance its crazy to use ply.I wouldn't if it was the same price!
OSB roof decking thickness - 7/16", 1/2", or 5/8" - Contractor Talk
Aug 7, 2011 · Currently we space rafters 16" oc and use 7/16" OSB with H clips. We're in Dallas so we don't engineer for tremendous live loads for an asphalt shingle and we feel comfortable with 16" oc rafter spacing and 7/16" OSB decking. I'm contemplating upgrading to 1/2" or even 5/8" OSB though to reduce roof sag hopefully to nil.
What do you shoot your sheathing with? - Contractor Talk
Feb 16, 2007 · I have seen a lot of different ways of people nailing off their sheathing. I have seen framing guns used for everything from roof, wall and floor sheathing with ring shank 8's. I have seen coil nailers used for the same purpose but that nailer shoots a lot faster and doesn't jamb up as much. I have also seen staplers used for walls and roofs.
OSB vs. CDX | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
Dec 10, 2007 · In my area, most builders use 3/4" T&G OSB on the floors, 7/16" OSB for walls and 15/32" OSB for the roof regardless weather its conventional framing or engineered products. Some high end builders however, use cdx.
Steel Roof on OSB Failures | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
May 7, 2023 · Meanwhile the upper OSB layer is rotting away unknown and causing serious structural damage to the SIP integrity. This one is a big mess soon. Brother in law has a pole barn with 2' OC trusses, 1/2" OSB, with failing and leaking screws on steel roof panels being the vast majority are just in the OSB. It's really a bad mixture over time.
plywood sheathing over 1x8 | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
Aug 7, 2011 · The roof on my house has 1x8 for sheathing with roughly 3/4" gaps between them on top of enginneered trusses. Anyway i'm going to redo the roof soon and I want to go over the 1x8 with 7/16 osb. I'm more or less asking for a general consensus here. Would you guys just go over the 1x8 or rip it...
OSB with Tyvek or zip system sheathing - Contractor Talk
Jan 3, 2015 · I am going to start construction on my new home in April located in Dallas, TX. I have been reading up on types of sheathing and looking for more information and experience on what is the best sheathing to use in this environment. I'm leaning towards the zip system versus OSB with Tyvek wrap but would like some feedback. Thanks
Plywooding over old roof deck - Contractor Talk
Sep 4, 2011 · Most roofs in our area are now 7/16" OSB. 30 year or older homes are 3/8" spruce sheathing. Older than that could be anything from 3/4" shiplap to anything goes planking. We would never remove sheathing from a roof unless we are doing a partial or if …
Attaching plywood for roof sheathing? Screws? - Contractor Talk
Jul 26, 2007 · Anyway, I did the roof but I think I'll stick with OSB sheathing, there aren't any voids that I have ever found, and it seems to be stronger than 1/2 inch plywood, unless you buy 5/8 or 3/4 inch stuff. But the Canadian stuff is the best.
OSB and Rain ..... - Contractor Talk
Oct 17, 2006 · I use Advantek :thumbup: OSB for floor and roof sheathing. It took me a long time to make the change from plywood, but I am impressed with the stuff. It also has a 50 year warranty:w00t: , I don't know of a ply that has such. The regular OSB is different however, it will swell if it smells rain. I do use it, but we cover it ASAP when we do.