Oahu Community Correctional Center | Department of Corrections …
Jan 31, 2025 · The Oahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) is the largest jail facility in the State of Hawaii, and is situated on 16 acres in urban Honolulu. The 950-bed facility houses pre-trial detainees. In addition to its jail functions, OCCC provides reintegration programming for male sentenced felons.
Oahu Community Correctional Center - Hawaii.gov
Over 95% of those who come to our correctional facilities will eventually be released. Most have challenging backgrounds, but they all have great potential. We strive to make the best use of the time we have with them.
HOME - The New Oahu Jail
The State of Hawaii is dedicated to transforming its unified correctional system into a rehabilitative, restorative, and reentry-focused system that reduces recidivism and promotes safer communities. A priority project is the replacement of the Oahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC), an increasingly aging and obsolete facility.
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
The mission of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) is to provide a secure correctional environment for comprehensive rehabilitative, holistic, and wraparound re-entry services, including culturally based approaches, to persons sentenced to our custody and care with professionalism, integrity, respect, and fairness.
List of Hawaii state prisons - Wikipedia
As of 2016 one correctional facility on the mainland is contracted to house Hawaii's prisoners: the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Arizona, operated by Corrections Corporation of America. Previously, female prisoners were at Otter Creek Correctional Center in Kentucky, but they were returned to Hawaii in 2009 after a sexual scandal. [ 3 ]
Oahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC - The New Oahu Jail
New Oahu Community Correctional Center in Halawa to Replace the Current Facility in Kalihi Plan Review Use – Project Status Report for Calendar Year 2024 Join our email list to receive our latest project updates.
New Websites - Hawaii Department of Public Safety
Effective January 1, 2024, the Department of Public Safety (PSD) will be redesignated as the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR). At that time, all law enforcement personnel, including the Sheriff Division (SD) and Narcotics Enforcement Division (NED) will transition to the newly created Department of Law Enforcement (DLE).
HDRC - Oahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) - InmateAid
Feb 23, 2025 · The OCCC stands as the largest jail facility in Hawaii, situated on 16 urban acres in Honolulu. With a capacity of 950 beds, OCCC primarily accommodates pre-trial detainees while also offering reintegration programming for male sentenced felons.
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation | Correctional ...
Dec 6, 2023 · Three of the prisons are located on the island of Oahu. Kulani Correctional Facility is located on the Big Island of Hawaii. One facility houses Hawaii inmates on the mainland: Saguaro Correctional Center. What’s the difference between a prison and a jail? Click here for more information.
FAQs - The New Oahu Jail
Hawai’i is dedicated to transforming its unified correctional system into a rehabilitative, restorative, and reentry-into-society-focused system that reduces recidivism and promotes safer communities.