6.5 Creedmoor Load Data - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jan 4, 2011 · My creedmoor with starline brass (several firings) federal 210 Hornady 140 eldm .020 off the lands 41.0 grains h4350 yields 2720 fps not even close to pressure signs, same components 143 eldx 41.3 grains h4350 yields 2800 fps.
Calculating OAL - Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 27, 2012 · OAL causes lots of confusion new guys and quite a few old hands....that should not be. And there is NO way to "calculate OAL", chambers vary too much for that. There are three ways we can establish an OAL for rifles. First is the max length that will feed and function through the magazine OR go by factory length - that's the SAAMI standard length.
Hornady Comparator, Headspace and OAL gauges?
Dec 14, 2019 · The OAL gauge works great for finding the lands and grooves with each different type bullet you may try in your barrel. Berger VLDs can be persnickety sometimes and finding the OAL that your rifle likes can take a few tries. There are threads on this forum for finding the optimum seating depth with Bergers.
Calculating OAL and jump? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jan 16, 2018 · Thinking of a rebarrel, and wanted to get a rough idea of OAL, as my magazine is rather short for a long action. I plan to do this math for a few prospective bullets, and determine if my magazine box will accommodate all of them before deciding to proceed in the build. Went to the SAAMI drawing for 264 mag (here, page 82). I believe the bolt ...
270 win OAL questions - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jan 31, 2008 · Last night I was going to load some rounds for my dad's remington 700 270. Using the hornady OAL gauge I came up with 3.53 (bullet on lands). Something can't be right about that. The bullet barely sits in the cartrigde. I checked it a bunch of …
Best oal gauge? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Sep 8, 2012 · I have tried the Frankford arsenal gauge and I dare you to try and get the same measurment twice (even close). I have also tried the Hornady OAL gauge but the brass was not sized and wouldn't fit in the chamber ( brass far to big) and when my father-in-law tried to size it, it crushed the case...
Hornady OAL Guage - Tap/Thread - Long Range Hunting Forum
Nov 8, 2012 · Question - does anyone here have the ability to tap/Tread a case for a Hornady OAL guage? I have a fired 7SAUM piece of brass I want tap/thread. Send me a pm and price if you have the ability.
.270 Win Factory Ammunition OAL - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jul 23, 2008 · I'd appreciate a bit of help regarding the OAL of .270 Win factory ammunition. SAAMI spec is 3.340" max & I want to know how various factory rounds compare with that. Make, bullet weight, bullet type & OAL would be appreciated. If anyone has a Hornady OAL gauge, I'd appreciate the measurements as both OAL & using the gauge with appropriate ...
338 lapua oal reloading | Long Range Hunting Forum
Nov 11, 2013 · Oal will be different with every one, you should really get a oal gauge like the hornady to see where each bullet hits the rifling and adjust accordingly. Partition is a pretty stubby bullet they'll hit the rifling much sooner then a long slender match bullet.
OAL/BTO for 7mm PRC factory ammo? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jan 16, 2018 · What really has me concerned, is that the180 ELDM and 190 A-tip are ~0.20" and ~0.07" shorter to the lands than the 3.32" OAL quoted in the Hornady Manual. This is particularly weird, since my 7mm Mag, as well as the other 7PRC barrel had the ATIP and ELDM at very similar OAL/BTO to the ELDX.