U.S. Agency for International Development
Additional guidance is forthcoming, and all future updates/notices will continue to be communicated through official USAID channels and posted on USAID.gov for those without access to USAID systems. USAID Office of Inspector General
Fraud Alert—USAID Name and Logo Used to Defraud Job, Grant, …
Jun 14, 2024 · This document highlights ongoing fraud schemes involving the misuse of USAID’s name, agency symbols, and letterhead to defraud prospective job applicants, USAID grant applicants, and visa program applicants.
Official Launching of USAID-Sponsored Community-Led …
Yaoundé, Cameroon – On August 10, 2021, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Cameroon), the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health, alongside other partners, officially launched the Community-Led Monitoring Project in Yaoundé.
The USAID logo is the graphic representation of the U.S. Agency for International Development. It was developed to ensure that the American people are visibly acknowledged for their contributions.
An entity has used the official USAID letterhead and logo to trick grant applicants into applying for fake awards. After applicants submit forms, the entity’s representatives ask for money through wire transfers or mobile payment applications or “apps” to an overseas account, claiming it is a fee for the grant application process.
Let’s take a look at the USAID logo: remember, marking is the physical application of the USAID logo. This logo has three approved color options: two-color, black only, and white. This is to ensure that the logo properly appears in print documents and on-screen presentations.
USAID Learning for Development designed the study to understand Nepali citizens’ perception of USAID’s work in Nepal following more than seven decades of bilateral support. The study identified
USAID Identity means the official marking for the Agency, comprised of the USAID logo and brand mark, which clearly communicates that the program’s assistance is from the American people.
USAID Partners With Tennessee | Results and Data | U.S. Agency …
This free resource hub answers frequently asked questions, outlines the partnership process, and can help you determine if your organization is eligible to partner with USAID. Learn more at workwithusaid.org
Local Works DR - Official Booklet - Issue 1 - U.S. Agency for ...
Local Works DR - Official Booklet - Issue 1 The Local Works DR program works in partnerships with local organizations to actively listen and better understand the complex dynamics and barriers to development progress in Domminican Republic's Border Region.
- Some results have been removed