The Men and Women of the PNP is committed to a vision of a professional, dynamic and highly motivated Philippine National Police working in partnership with a responsive community towards the attainment of a safe place to live, work, invest and do business.
women of the Philippine National Police (PNP) are expected to carry out their functions with utmost effi ciency and dedication to ensure that communities are safe and crime-free. But more than just being law enforcers, PNP personnel should be exemplars of community service-- keeping the interest and welfare of the people
Imploring the aid of the Almighty, by 2030, We shall be a highly capable, effective and credible police service working in partnership with a responsive community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work and do business.
Star Rank Officers and Police Senior Superintendents Turn-over of Command ceremonies Honorees and awardees on special occasions like PNP day and Recognition day Honor parades for retiring Police Chief Superintendent and up Police Officers attending international conferences As dictated by occasions to be determined by
Philippine National Police in securing the streets and maintaining peace and order is manifest in the publication of the Field Manual on Investigation of Crimes of Violence and Other Crimes.
The publication of the PNP Guidebook on Human Rights-Based Policing is a project under the PNP Human Rights Development Program (LOI Pamana) and a humble contribution to on-going police reforms under the comprehensive PNP Integrated Transformation Program. With the support and guidance of the PNP leadership, the PNP Human Rights
The PNP CMIS will operate at the police station level providing transaction processing modules that will feed into a crime database, tracking, and monitoring system that will enable crime mapping and analysis at station and higher geographical levels.
considered as one of the primary roles of the Philippine National Police. It uncovers steadfast results, analysis and interpretations that transform into a solid evidence that contribute in the overall crime solution efficiency. These factors lead the Directorate to continuously adopt new strategies and good
This Manual is one of the PNP‟s most important tool to raise the competency of our police investigators and serves as a ready reference and guide in the conduct of investigation, which is part of the Integrated Transformation Program of the PNP.