Are fat PS3’s worth the time/money, or are they all ticking ... - Reddit
Oct 7, 2021 · Heat sinks also give off a ton of heat, and are typically covered with thermal pads as well. Any tiny exposed gold squares on the motherboard would indicate where one would be. Everything that can be done to fat BC ps3 models is preventative in nature. The systems do eventually fail, and it would only be a matter of when.
Is the PS3 Fat Reliable and worth it? : r/PS3 - Reddit
May 29, 2020 · The Fat PS3 models get YLOD because of the NEK TOKINS failing. The CECH-20xx will fail eventually because of the same reason and need a replacement for the capacitors. I agree tho on 65nm RSX not being bad, but it is still theoretically less reliable than the 40nm/28nm RSX, cause it produces more heat under same load.
PS3 - What is the most reliable FAT PS3 model? - PSX-Place
Jul 11, 2020 · For me, if you class the most reliable FAT model, CECHL onwards tend to be the most robust - having 65nm CELL and RSX. But still require thermal paste and usual cleaning. db260179 , Jul 15, 2020
Most reliable Fat PS3? - PSX-Place
Jan 5, 2020 · The other PS3 FATS motherboards after they dropped the PS2 hardware support was mostly a transition to the PS3 slims, also i dont like the shell of the PS3 FATS So is hard to me to decide which PS3 FAT model is the best because i dont like any of them, lol
Is it worth getting a PS3 Fat 60GB model (the backwards ... - Reddit
Jul 19, 2023 · PCSX2 is getting better with every release if you want modern amenities with your retro titles. A super slim will do you a lot of good for PS3 titles, I've grown accustomed to the silence of the PS5 as I didn't know the superslims were that quiet after going from a fat PS3 to a launch PS4 & later pro model.
PS3 fat with 2TB SSD (success) : r/PS3 - Reddit
Aug 30, 2023 · Just want to share some of my findings regarding the PS3 max HDD capacity. Since there has been some confusion whether the PS3 can support hard drive capacity greater than 1tb. Some suggested 1.5tb is the max and knowing that manufacturers typically round up their HDD/SSD capacity, I've decided to give it a try with a 1.92tb SSD.
PS3 Fat restore : r/PS3 - Reddit
Mar 30, 2022 · Found this PS3 fat (Model CECHE01) in a gamestop dumpster that had the YLoD. Reflowed solder using the oven trick, replaced cmos, installed bigger hard drive, cleaned entire inside including fan and mobo, re applied thermal paste, bent down CPU and GPU brackets for better connection. Successfully played PS1, PS2 and PS3 games. I am happy :)
What’s The Best Performing PS3 Model? : r/PS3 - Reddit
Sep 11, 2022 · PS3 Slim is the best combination of reliability and performance. Superslim uses less power but feels very cheap in comparison to Slim. PS3 Fat is the most iconic and collectible of course, but tends to be hard to maintain and is the least reliable.
What's the consensus on the best way of keeping Fat PS3's alive?
Jun 23, 2020 · Consider de-lidding (very risky as if done wrong it can destroy the PS3 but has great results if done successfully) Fan adjuster, either via soldering a physical adjuster for an unmodded PS3 (OFW) or via Webman (software) on a modded (CFW) PS3. Keep it in a well ventilated area. Replace NEC/TOKIN’s with Tantalum Capacitors (requires soldering).
PS3 Fault finding YLOD with the SYSCON - PSX-Place
Jun 21, 2020 · So I started this thread to have a deep discussion about the YLOD on the PS3 (mostly FAT versions) and how to use the SYSCON to understand further what can be done to repair the ps3. My main reason that drives me to do this is that I've seen alot of miss informed threads on how to fix YLOD ps3, there is alot of valid pointers but the basics ...