Pedro J. González - Wikipedia
Pedro J. González (April 28, 1895 – March 17, 1995) was a Mexican activist, singer, songwriter, guitarist and radio personality. [1]
Pedro J. González - The Leaders | Rumbo a California
Learn about the life and legacy of Pedro J. González. González hosted one of the first Spanish radio broadcasts in California.
Artist Biography: Los Madrugadores de Pedro J. González
Nov 22, 2016 · During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Los Madrugadores (The Early Risers) became the most popular group in Mexican-American music in the U.S. The folk ensemble was started by Pedro J. González, a controversial and charismatic personality considered the founder of Spanish-language radio in Los Angeles in the late 1920s.
Jan 7, 1985 · As a young, restless boy Pedro J. Gonzalez would watch the local telegraph operator send messages to faraway places and dreamed that one day he too would be the link between his remote, dusty...
Collections :: Pedro J. Gonzalez | Smithsonian Learning Lab
Jul 30, 2018 · A telegraph operator for Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution; a radio personality and popular recording artist in Los Angeles; an immigration activist framed for political purposes and sent to San Quentin prison; and finally, a …
Ballad of an Unsung Hero – Espinosa Productions
Using rare historical footage, vintage musical recordings, and interviews with 88-year-old Pedro J. Gonzalez and his wife, this half-hour program chronicles Gonzalez’s long and colorful life, from his early days with Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution, to his career as a popular radio personality in Los Angeles in the 1930s, to the ...
Pedro J. Gonzalez, 99, Folk Hero And Advocate for Social Justice
Mar 24, 1995 · Pedro J. Gonzalez, a Mexican-American social advocate and entertainer whose colorful life made him a popular figure in Southern California, died last Friday at Delta Convalescent Hospital in Lodi...
Conoceremos la historia de Pedro J. González
May 28, 2018 · El chihuahuense Pedro J. González (1895-1995) fue uno de los pioneros de la música nuestra en California, además de ser un luchador social que participó en la revolución como telegrafista con el general Francisco Villa, antes de emigrar a Texas en 1917 y establecerse finalmente en Los Ángeles, en el año de 1923.
“Break of Dawn” revisited – Justice for Pedro J. Gonzalez
Pedro Jose Gonzalez was born in Carrizal, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1895. At 14, he enlisted in Pancho Villa’s popular army at the start of the Mexican Revolution. He later went to El Paso, Texas, then to Los Angeles in 1925.
Gonzalez (Pedro J.) Papers - California Digital Library
In prison, Pedro served as a translator and de facto liaison helping fellow Spanish-speaking inmates and was instrumental in a hunger strike that led to the reforms in the California penal system. Pedro J. Gonzalez defense committees sprung up throughout the Southwest and northern Mexico.