Montale Parfums
Subjugated by his infinite combinatorial properties, Pierre Montale became the first exporter of oud for the west. He will then compose more than a hundred of timeless fragrances. Visit the …
Montale History - Montale Parfums
Pierre Montale will become the first ambassador for the West. Subjugated by his infinite combinatorial properties, Pierre Montale became the first ambassador of oud for the west. …
MONTALE PARIS - Montale Parfums
Affascinato dalle sue infinite sfaccettature e proprietà di combinazione, Pierre Montale divenne il primo esportatore di Oud per l'Occidente, componendo poi più di un centinaio di fragranze …
Histoire Montale - Montale Parfums
En tant que spécialiste de la vanille, Pierre Montale accorde une attention particulière à cet ingrédient charismatique. La vanille a été l'un des premiers parfums de la marque. Intime, …
Home - Montale Parfums
On the range of Pierre Montale's most popular scents rises the spirit of the oud, keeper of traditions at the gates to the east. Fragrant Asian ointment commonly used in the gulf region …
Accueil - Montale Parfums
Sur la palette des senteurs les plus prisées de Pierre Montale, s'élève l'esprit du oud, gardien des traditions aux portes de l'orient. Onguent parfumé d'Asie très utilisé dans les pays du Golfe et …
Montale Parfums
A la cabeza de las fragancias más populares de Pierre Montale se encuentra el Oud,guardián de las tradiciones a las puertas de Oriente. Descubre el espíritu del Oud: misterioso, ancestral y …
Montale profile
Subjugated by his infinite combinatorial properties, Pierre Montale became the first exporter of oud for the west. He will then compose more than a hundred of timeless fragrances. Visit the …
Discover the full Montale Catalog - Montale Parfums
Subjugated by his infinite combinatorial properties, Pierre Montale became the first exporter of oud for the west. He will then compose more than a hundred of timeless fragrances. Visit the …
New products - Montale Parfums
On the range of Pierre Montale's most popular scents rises the spirit of the oud, keeper of traditions at the gates to the east. Fragrant Asian ointment commonly used in the gulf region …