Dell Active Pen Models: Identification, Control Panel, and Fixes
Jan 28, 2025 · Note: The Dell PN771M Active Pen was sold with Inspiron 7300, 7306, 7500, and 7506 2-in-1 Black Edition laptops. It cannot be purchased separate from these laptops. The following link can be used to find more information and …
Dell active pen PN771M
Oct 14, 2020 · anybody knows if this model dell active pen PN771M is suitable to use with XPS 13 7390 2in1 ? I saw this dell active pen PN771M in Dell retail store which comes together with the new Inspiron 13 2in1 model. The design of this pen is very easy to write and draw compared to PN579X. Can see the pen from the link below. It is very nice and lightweight.
Dell Chargeable Active Pen Firmware Update Utility
This package contains the Dell Chargeable Active Pen Firmware Update Utility. ... KIT,SHP MTL,STY,PN771M ...
Dellアクティブ ペンのモデル: 識別、コントロールパネル、およ …
Dell PN771Mアクティブ ペンは、これらのノートパソコンと別に購入することはできません。 次のリンクを使用して、 Dell PN771Mアクティブ ペン の詳細情報とトラブルシューティング手順を確認できます。
Active pen PN771M compatibility - Dell
Apr 18, 2021 · They made a mistake. The stylus compatible with your laptop is the "Dell active pen Pn350m". Actually my computer ( dell inspiron 13 7306 2 in 1) is the only one that uses the stylus "pn771m". If you see the picture you will notice the unique pen garage dedicated to it. And I'm missing the pen.
戴尔有源手写笔型号:识别、控制面板和修复 | Dell 中国
提醒:戴尔 PN771M 主动式触控笔随 Inspiron 灵越 7300、7306、7500 和 7506 二合一黑色版本笔记本电脑一起销售。它不能与这些笔记本电脑分开购买。您可以通过以下链接,了解戴尔 PN771M 主动式触控笔的更多信息和故障处理步骤。
PN771M | DELL Technologies
Feb 26, 2022 · Hi. I have a 7306 2n1 that came with a PN771M in its garage. I've been using the pen without issue for a couple of months. This morning, I pulled it from the garage and it was not responsive. It didn't show up as a paired device, so I place it in the garage for a few minutes, re-paired it through system settings > bluetooth successfully.
Dell PN771M rechargeable active pen
Jan 11, 2021 · Dell PN771M rechargeable active pen I have the dell inspiron 13 7000 2 in 1 black edition, which came with the PN771M stylus, which charges in the hinge. But is there any way to know if it is charging like an indicator on the screen, because the led on …
Dell Active Pen-Modelle: Identifizierung, Bedienfeld und Korrekturen
Hinweis: Der Dell PN771M Active Pen wurde mit den Laptops Inspiron 7300, 7306, 7500 und 7506 2-in-1 Black Edition verkauft. Er kann nicht separat von diesen Laptops erworben werden. Über den folgenden Link finden Sie weitere Informationen und Schritte zum Troubleshooting für den Dell PN771M Active Pen.
Lost Pen / Stylus PN771M - Dell
Nov 22, 2020 · That said, the model pen you've mentioned does not appear to be sold separately. You may want to call Dell Spare Parts (in the US, 1-800-357-3355 ) to see if they can sell you one. DELL-Cares