The PokeGym
Aug 11, 2016 · Rulings, info and fun for Pokemon Trading Card game players and professors and other Pokemon games.
All Rulings (newest first) - Pokémon Rulings Compendium
Here's some info regarding Pokemon ex: • Older cards that refer to Pokemon-ex should include modern Pokemon ex. Pokemon-ex and Pokemon ex are the same. For example, "Gardevoir …
Resources for Judges - Pokémon Rulings Compendium
Pokémon TCG Judge Essentials. You can’t be fair and correct without having, knowing and using these resources. There’s more to judging than being fair and correct, but unless you’re basing …
All Rulings (by category) - Pokémon Rulings Compendium
View official rulings for the Pokémon Trading Card Game at the Pokémon Rulings Compendium!
Pokémon Rulings Compendium
Mar 3, 2025 · Is the Compendium an official Pokémon TCG document? We are always careful to be clear that the rulings are official. The Compendium is not. And it’s the rulings that are …
New Mulligan Rules - The PokeGym
Nov 15, 2013 · Shuffle, draw, place active, place bench, set prizes, coin flip, both players flip Pokemon. In the vain of "do as much as you can" that is a common theme in Pokemon, you …
TCG and VG: which is more luck, and which is more strategy?
Jan 24, 2012 · *The TCG and VG are fundamentally different games. Despite the fact that they come from the same franchise, they're not even classified under the same family of games: …
Serious Question: Why do adults play Pokemon TCG?
Aug 2, 2016 · I am very interested in finding out why adults are playing the Pokemon TCG. Watching YouTube, there are plenty of adult gamers playing very serious games of what has …
Feb 23, 2010 · RedShark is a fan-made program and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Pokemon USA, Nintendo, or any official Pokemon company. SETTING UP YOUR …
A. Dark Gengar's Pull In effect CANNOT be used if promo Mew is the Active Pokemon [ed note: nor can this Promo Mew be 'pulled in' to the active position from the bench], or if the LVL 33 …