Main - Pop Rocks
Pop Rocks is America´s original popping candy brand. Since the 1970´s Pop Rocks offers a fun, unique experience to candy lovers of all ages.
Products - Pop Rocks
Pop Rocks offers the best selling popping candy assortment, with a great variety of flavors in single units and multi-packs.
About us - Pop Rocks
POP ROCKS ® is the leading popping candy brand worldwide. POP ROCKS ® is the original brand and also a national brand that is synonymous with popping candy, with loyal consumers since 1970’s and a wide target audience – from kids to older teens and nostalgic adults.
FAQ - Pop Rocks
What is POP ROCKS ®? POP ROCKS ® are small pieces of hard candy that have been gasified with carbon dioxide under superatmospheric pressure. When these gasified sugar granules come in contact with moisture, in someone’s mouth or in water, milk, soft drinks, etc, the candy dissolves and the gas retained inside the carbon dioxide bubbles is ...
As an Ingredient - Pop Rocks
Stand out from your competitors, use POP ROCKS ® as an ingredient! Discover the potential of POP ROCKS ® popping candy, the high-quality, innovative ingredient that will make a difference for your products:
Chocolates - Pop Rocks
POP ROCKS ® popping candy can be combined with chocolate by either enrobing or filling, to create various new products. Successful applications include chocolate bars, slabs, moulded figurines such as eggs or balls, or chocolate spreads.
Others - Pop Rocks
A pack of POP ROCKS ® popping candy with special and customized graphics becomes a great tool to pop up your sales. Cosmetic applications: Did you ever think of adding POP ROCKS ® popping candy to your bath salts or soap balls? Experience innovation in …
Contact - Pop Rocks
Contact us for any question about Pop Rocks or to discuss any project with popping candy.
Licensing - Pop Rocks
POP ROCKS ® has one of the highest brand recognition levels in the candy category. POP ROCKS ® is not only the original brand of popping candy, it is the promise of a unique experience. Kids and teens are entertainment oriented, constantly searching for products that are fun, different and exciting.
News - Pop Rocks
Pop Rocks®, the well-known original popping candy, collaborated with the Family Science Night held at Weatherbee Elementary School, in Fort Pierce, Florida (USA).